I wish I could remember where I first read this critique of State Department personnel decisions regarding the Middle East. In past administrations, you could find many Jews dealing with Israeli-Arab affairs: Aaron David Miller, Dennis Ross, Martin Indyk, Richard Haas, Dan Kurtzer, Sam Lewis, etc. But I dare you to name a single Arab-American or Palestinian-American assigned to the same field. Where are the Khalidis, Telhamis, Zogbys? Why are we so gun-shy about having an authentic Arab voice inside the policy apparatus that devises strategy concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? If there are Jews at the table why shouldn’t there be Arabs?
And just why is it that doing so would be considered so dangerous, so radical? Why is it that Rashid Khalidi’s association with Obama was portrayed as if the future president consorted with a terrorist? Have we so criminalized Arab-Americans in the American mind that they are forever etched there as dangerous jihadists?
With Hillary taking over at State the chances of opening up the diplomatic corps have narrowed considerably. But someone will have to explain to me why Palestinians or Arab states in general should trust America as a honest broker if we can’t even include in our midst Arab-Americans as members of the foreign policy team?
Didn’t Joseph Zogby work in the US State Department during the Clinton administration?
I’m more cynical about Obama than you have been, but if he could at least squeeze some fairminded people like Robert Malley into the mix, I’d feel better. But yeah, it’ll be ridiculous and won’t bode well if Arab-Americans are kept out of advisory positions on this subject.
The aforementioned Jews are nor enemies of Palestine, Jordan or Syria
Phil Weiss is addressing some of the same issues in Scowcroft (the New Center-Left) Said to Be Advising Obama.
But someone will have to explain to me why Palestinians or Arab states in general should trust America as a honest broker if we can’t even include in our midst Arab-Americans as members of the foreign policy team?
I suppose no Arab has had for a long time an illusion that USA is a honest broker.
Well the Russian, Chinese and EU politicians and businessmen are happy. The loners USA stays in the Israeli “corner” the better chances they have to grow their influence in Middle East, get more of the lucrative trades and oil money investments.
“Well the Russian, Chinese and EU politicians and businessmen are happy.”
No one in China knows or cares.
Zhu Bajie
Samuel Winfield Lewis is not Jewish he is also a none Jewish member of Jstreet
@Mark: Interesting. I always thought of him as Jewish since I knew of his involvement in dovish Israeli peace-oriented projects long after he retired from diplomatic service.
I want to make a prediction.8 years from now nothing would have changed for the better.The occupation will be 49 years old then.Sound cynical I guess but I’m starting to not believe in doves and ‘Peace Now’, we don’t have the ability to change the status quo.What is needed is super power influence like here in South Africa.I do not see US applying the required pressure on Israeli government.
It may sound cruel but concentrating on Israel probably represents misspent effort.
Activists have to focus on thwarting the effort of Israel advocates to render the US government and society structurally anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab and anti-Islam.
I discuss some of the issues in this article on the HLF trial, and we should certainly advocate on behalf of the HLF defendants, but a more effective strategy might involve trying to induce the DOJ to investigate Benjamin Emanuel for deportation and to apply the anti-terrorism laws to groups and individuals that support Zionist terrorism against Palestinians.
Either the laws will enforced equally or they will be removed from the US Criminal code. Either outcome is a win, and such activism would provide an opportunity to educate the American public about the threat that many Israel advocates pose to ordinary Americans and the American way of life.