4 thoughts on “Michael Oren Joins Evangelical Extremist Hagee – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Richard,
    Have you actually ever seen Michael Oren speak or are you just using guilt by association to say that he’s a right winger extremist?

    I’ve seen him speak and he considers himself “right of center” which is basically moderate. His views are consistent of moderates.

  2. @Michael: I have read & critiqued Oren’s work here before. So yes, I’m familiar with it.

    I’ve seen him speak and he considers himself “right of center” which is basically moderate. His views are consistent of moderates.

    First, anyone who speaks to CUFI & John Hagee’s crowd is ipso facto NOT moderate. Not even close, though I have no doubt since you agree w. his views that YOU consider him moderate.

    Second, last I checked “right of center” was not “center” or “moderate.” It was “right of center.” A centrist is in the center. Right of center is not the same & NOT “basically moderate.”

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