…If you happen to be rich, white, male, Republican and Christian (evangelical or Mormon). For all the rest of us, we’ll have to look elsewhere.
The NY Times published The Buzz About a McCain-Romney Ticket yesterday and I’ve got to say it’s passing strange to me. If this is the Republican Party’s idea of a dream ticket then they’re likely to be trailing far behind on Election Day.
If McCain’s goal is to shore up the right wing of the Party then perhaps Romney brings something to the table. But I’d think that to win the general election McCain has to worry about a lot more than his right wing. Doesn’t he have to win some moderates, independents, and even a few Democrats? I don’t see how McCain can do that on his own. He’s lost the maverick, independent street cred he’d built up in 2000 when he ran the Straight Talk Express. And Romney’s sure not going to help on that score.
Most evangelicals would never accept a Mormon.
Zhu Bajie
The Senator from the Lieberman for Lieberman Party is obviously acting like he thinks he has a shot for the job… That would be the neo-conservative-invade-Iran-and-Syrian Dream Ticket…
If Sen McCain really wanted to give Sen Obama competition, he should choose Sec Rice. He would have a woman on the ticket, it would help chill his rhetoric about 100 years in Iraq and with the administration making a U turn in its policy towards Iran, he could take credit for being a diplomat if an agreement IS WORKED OUT with the Iranians. That would be a real dream ticket for the republicans!
@Rupa Shah:
I can’t say it would be a “dream ticket,” but it’d be a damn sight better than McCain Romney. I think McCain has to nominate either a woman or an African American for VP. Rice fills both categories. But frankly I think her shelf life is long past. Colin Powell would be an interesting choice, but I doubt Powell has the stomach for being an outsider in yet another right wing Republican Administration.