5 thoughts on “Israel: Making a Hero of Ismail Haniya – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. You had me until the part about “we might even have Hezbollah or Al Qaeda ruling the roost.”

    What does that mean? What’s the connection?

  2. The reason for the change in popularity has more to do with the fact that Abbas re-established a dialogue with Olmert. Most Palestinians reject peace with Israel because they are not willing to make the necessary concessions for peace, particularly recognizing Israel and giving up on the right of return (that’s why they elected Hamas in the first place). If Israel started negotiating with Hamas, the Islamic Jihad would become the dominant political force in the Palestinian territories.

  3. Or to follow up on Amir’s point: Hamas are unwilling to make the concessions that make Palestinians under permanent submission to Israelis. Palestinians have shown that they are more than willing to concede in order to be seen as legitimate in the eyes of the West but what strikes me as rather naive about Amir’s comment is the fact that recognising Israel and giving up the right of return are prerequisites for peace when implementing the latter and a de facto recognition of the former is more than applicable for justice to prevail, and not the “peace” that Israel would want Palestinians to accept. If Israel started negotiating with Hamas, it would be a step towards something tangible instead of the failed policies of the past that only make the “moderates” weak and the “radicals” stronger with more of a popular base to reach out to. Israel only plays into the hands of the radicals who have been adamant that Palestinians will not gain anything by engaging with the occupier and coloniser, and after sixty years of being refugees and looking at the West Bank as it is today, it is getting tougher and tougher to disprove them. One way to do it is to make the necessary “concessions” of East Jerusalem, settlements, the wall and the right of return or even negotiating with Hamas. If Israel chooses to wait them out, it will ultimately lead to more violence and then perhaps the demise of Israel as we know it today.

  4. Most Palestinians reject peace with Israel because they are not willing to make the necessary concessions for peace, particularly recognizing Israel and giving up on the right of return (that’s why they elected Hamas in the first place). If Israel started negotiating with Hamas, the Islamic Jihad would become the dominant political force in the Palestinian territories.

    I can’t begin to unravel the errors in this passage. First most Palestinians do NOT reject peace with Israel. It’s a fact confirmed by numerous public opinion polls. Apparently it is too inconvenient to his prejudices for Amir to acknowledge this. Second, it is the Israeli public (esp. politicians) unwilling to make the compromises necessary for peace. Palestinians have come much farther in accepting such compromises. Including the fact that most have given up the idea of demanding a full, physical right of return. Third, they didn’t elect Hamas because of its stance on the Right of Return. They elected Hamas because Fatah are a bunch of corrupt thugs & Hamas seemed to be less corrupt & more competent at governing. Islamic Jihad has a miniscule following within Palestinian society & could never take Hamas’ place.

    Judy: I meant that Hezbollah & Al Qaeda, both of which have been variously rumored to be attempting to insinuate themselves into Palestinian politics, are more radical & less compromising than Hamas & would therefore be more dangerous & threatening to Israel than Hamas.

    Joshua: I couldn’t agree more.

  5. the poll asked the wrong question; haniyeh hasnt been running much of anything since the “coup.” It’s zahar who’s running the show. the poll would tell us more if it was about the choice between who’s really in charge, and abbas.

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