2 thoughts on “Gideon Levy Attacks Israeli Government Censorship Over Syria Attack – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Like any legislator in any country Beilin owe it to this country and its laws. So he is not obliged to supply any and all information about Israel to any and all in Seattle. On the other hand his stand for fast, almost complete, separation between Israel and Palestine and his constant talks with any Palestinian who agree to talk to him should be commended not critisized.
    As for information on Israel wars. In the the last war in Lebanon more information, on any act of the IDF , was flowing than in any other war in the whole world lately, Chechnia? Falkland? India-Pakistan?. Surely the Israelis and others knew more about the IDF in Lebanon than is known about Sudan, Iraq, Afganistn, Chechnia ect ect. Israeli citizens, and the whole world, have had much information on every minute detail of the military actions in Lebanon. Much of it was used to paint Israel as black as possible, it also helped the HA tactically and strategically. At the same time information from Lebanon, which was used on this blog as in many other media, was 100% controlled by the HA. For example up to this very moment no body knows the casualty lists of the HA. All media people in Lebanon were supevized all the time by the HA. This situation was gladly accepted and obayed by the world media. So now Israel is trying to do some thing about this information flow, why not? If the Israeli political opposition Legislators know the facts which justify this control and if the Israeli public at large thinks it is OK what is negative about it, that the people in Seattle are demanding more and better information?

  2. If the Israeli political opposition Legislators know the facts which justify this control and if the Israeli public at large thinks it is OK what is negative about it,

    That depends whether you wish to be known as a democracy or national security state. If the latter, then there’s nothing wrong w. yr view. If the latter, then there’s something profoundly wrong with it. A true democracy doesn’t treat its media & citizens as yr military censor has done over the past week.

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