3 thoughts on “Bridging the Divide Party Celebrates Jewish, Arab Cultures – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. I doubt the value of such events based in intellectual dishonesty.

    The announcement says:

    Look past today’s headlines of conflict to discover two ancient yet modern cultures with a rich common heritage. Bridging the Divide is a celebration of Jewish and Arab culture through art, music, dancing and food. A unique fundraising event that brings people together to celebrate these kindred cultures and peace.

    Ethnic Ashkenazim have no connection to Palestine beyond the mythological. In the late 19th century eminent Semiticists like Gustav Dalman and Wilhelm Gesenius elucidated difficult Talmudic texts by analyzing vocabulary and idioms that passed into Palestinian Arabic from Palestinian Aramaic as the Palestinian Judean, Galilean, and Idumean populations were Islamicized.

    Before the Zionists ethnically cleansed the native Palestinian population, classicists and anthropologists used modern Palestinian practices to explain difficult references to Greco-Roman Palestine in classical texts.

    The native Palestinian population preserved the ancient Palestinian festivals like those of Nabi Hud (Yehuda), Nabi Ruben (Reuvan), and Nabi Yamin (Binyamin), that are mentioned in classical texts but were never codified by Talmudic sages. Naturally, modern ethnic Ashkenazim descended from non-Palestinian populations that adopted a very different form of Judaism much later have no knowledge of such celebrations.

    In point of fact, ethnic Ashkenazim have far more in common with Poles and other Slavs than they with other Jewish populations. The Israeli movie Late Marriage shows how tremendously different ethnic Ashkenazim are with their history of early marriage, early divorce and remarriage even from Georgian Jews, who also came from Russian-rule territories and who like Georgian non-Jews tended to have later marriages and disdain divorce.

    The Polish ethnic Ashkenazi Yeshiva-system was strongly influenced by the Polish seminary and had little similarity to the educational system among other Jews. The pilpul of Polish yeshiva is for the most part an immitation of the Polish seminary practice of training via quodlibet analysis. Even co-resident Polish Tatar Jews had a completely dissimilar educational system, and among Polish Tatar Jews even idiomatic usage of religious Hebrew differed. Melammed or melammed gadol were titles that indicated high levels of scholarship. Ashkenazim called the humble heder teacher a melammed.

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