I recently received an e mail from a nice chap who’d written to tell me he’d succeeded in getting Masada2000 taken down. Sure enough, I noticed that wonderful blank screen announcing the site had been suspended. That lasted for a few weeks. Then the site went back up again.
Another progressive online friend of mine noticed today that Masada2000 has moved webhosts again–this time to Dreamhost. This gives me great sorrow because in my research into webhosts the reviews of Dreamhost were glowing. I’m sorry an otherwise sterling host is sponsoring such a smutty undertaking. Dreamhost is the site’s third webhost in about six months. Let’s see if we can make it four hosts. Time to dust off the old Terms of Service complaint and inform Dreamhost of the gem of a Jewish hate site they’ve taken on.
Yesterday, I received an obscene physical threat from Masada2000’s owner which has been passed on to the Seattle Police Department. A note to Jewish haters: all such harassment is taken very seriously by me and will be reported to law enforcement. I’ve actually been threatened before by JDL supporters who actually murdered people they didn’t like. So I don’t scare easily.
If the worst happens, and you need to flee, China a pleasant place to live. No extradition to the US, either.
Zhu Bajie
Thanks for the offer of safe haven. I hope I won’t need it.