Let’s leave the weightier issues of Mideast peace for a few moments to regale you with tales of finding a new nanny. Our wonderful current part time nanny is leaving us after completing her writing degree. So we put an ad on Craig’s List (now $25!!!) last night. The very first e mail reply was this one:
The only question I have before I tell you a little bit about myself, is are you restrictive on how your nanny looks?
In the six years we’ve had children, we’ve hired many nannies and heard many strange stories and answered many strange questions. But what to make of this? The possibilities of interpretation are endless. Perhaps you can think of a few yourself and add them in the comment thread. Here’s a few I thought of:
1. a woman covered in tattoos (actually, my wife’s thought)
2. a transsexual (or transvestite)
3. a nudist
4. a burn victim
5. Dr. Jekyll
6. Frankenstein
7. the bearded lady
I could hardly believe my wife when she laughingly asked: “What should I say to her?” She was being entirely too nice, I thought. “Nothing,” was my reply. Needless to say, that’s one we’re not answering.
And I’d say this person needs to take a class in how to market herself to potential employers. If you have to ask the question she asked it seems to me you’re going to have an awful time getting hired by most people.
Dr. Jekyll was the doctor. Mr Hyde is the one you want to keep away from.
Amir: Point well-taken. Clearly, I haven’t read the story.
And you haven’t watched enough horror films!