A prominent Mideast peace activist just e mailed me that Rachel Neuwirth made a death threat against him. And he testified to this in a legal deposition. Good to know there’s a legal record of it in case I need it myself to establish a pattern of her reckless, defaming and cyber-bullying behavior.
Rachel is harassing Yigal Arens once again. This time she’s not telling his wife to leave him as she once did. Now, she’s telling his wife that she never told her to leave Yigal. And that Yigal must retract those statements. Or what? Will she sue us all?
UPDATE: Steven Plaut’s been sniffing around this post doubtless to report back to his ideological inamorata, Rachel what I’ve been saying about her. But I think Steve’s gonna find he’ll have a bit harder time accessing my blog.
Does Israeli law punish death threats?
She lives in Los Angeles. Depending on what she said or wrote to him there might be a case against her under U.S. law.