8 thoughts on “Shin Bet Secret Case Accuses Bishara of Corruption and National Security Breach – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Hi Richard,

    Interesting post. It’s hard to know how much substance there is to this investigation when it’s so shrouded in secrecy (reminds one of an administration closer to home!). There could very well be some real transgression, there, but the way in which Israeli Arabs are clearly targeted would tend to call into question the credibility of this case, or at least the focus on Bishara.

    On a different topic. Have you seen the new production of “My Name is Rachel Corrie” in Seattle? I’m a little too far away, otherwise I’d go. I’m just curious if you’ve seen it, and if so, maybe you could provide a short commentary here on the blog. I know you commented a while back on the original production, but it might be useful to revisit the subject–examine how attitudes and reception may have changed regarding its “controversial” nature? I know that the local Seattle press (largely) gave it positive/supportive reviews. But I have the sense that there might be a little more open-ness on the subject of Israel/Palestine in the Pacific Northwest as opposed to many other parts of the country. This last is just an impression and I admit I don’t have any clear empirical basis for thinking this.


  2. Here is a goag order for you closer to home

    Published in: TC Public Relations April 13, 2007

    Press Release

    The case of Thomas Klocek is now poised to go to trial. On April 10, Hon. Daniel J. Kelley, a judge in the Circuit Court of Cook County, upheld six of the eight legal counts leveled against DePaul and others. This came as a result of DePaul’s motion to reconsider Judge Nudleman’s order from May 2006, which upheld four of the counts against DePaul and others.

    In his 17-page order, Judge Kelley points to DePaul’s “reckless disregard for the truth” in statements made following Klocek’s suspension. This breaks a long silence in the case as DePaul University previously secured a temporary gag order to prevent the release of significant facts in the case.

    “Now two judges have independently upheld the validity of Prof. Klocek’s complaint against DePaul,” says John Mauck of Mauck & Baker, whose firm represents Klocek. “We applaud Judge Kelley’s excellent decision. We also look forward to a public trial where DePaul students and the public can judge for themselves whether certain administrators silenced Tom Klocek because a few Muslim activists wanted his political and religious opinions repressed.”

  3. Have you seen the new production of “My Name is Rachel Corrie” in Seattle?

    Yes, I saw it last night in fact. I didn’t blog about it because I felt a little ambivalent about it. I may still blog on that.

    This play is definitely the product of a 23 yr old woman. Really a girl who is in the process of becoming a woman, in the process of becoming a human being really. I know for a fact that the play really strikes a chord with any contemporary young person facing the issues she did of dealing both with her idealism in a rotten world & how to relate to her parents as well in that context.

    But it was a rough-hewn theatrical vehicle to me. I sat through a whole lot of young person’s angst and earnestness & eagerness & hopefulness. It was like sitting through an intelligent person’s diary. Intermittently interesting, but also deadly at times.

    There was one very long speech at the end which was riveting. There was also a heartbreaking video of her as a little child reciting an amazing speech about ending hunger by the year 2000. Plus the recorded accounts by her friends & witnesses of her death were powerful.

    But this is not a “play” in the conventional sense that we think of one. It was not polished or dramatic or polished. It was raw. It was powerful at times. It was worthwhile especially for those not familiar with the miserable life that Palestinians lead. But there were moments when it was also a chore.

    In seeing this, the key thing is to remember that you are hearing the actual words of a 23 yr old slightly precocious woman, someone who had a lot to give the world, but certainly not a polished playwright. Unfortunately, her future was stolen from her by that IDF bulldozer and by the Israeli Occupation. And for that reason alone the play is worth viewing.

  4. [Ed.] Comment deleted.

    Melvin, I’ve warned you before about crossing the line in comments. Do not post comments or press releases written by someone else. If you have a comment write it yourself. And anyone who calls Rachel Corrie an “advocate of terrorism” will suffer the fate of your comment. That type of calumny is not welcome here. Your are welcome to resubmit your comment without the propaganda.

  5. She did work with the International Solidarity Movement, which helped the Mikes Place bombers enter Israel from Gaza. I am not calling her a terror advocate per se, but a naive person who was used by a group opposed to the EXISTENCE of Israel

  6. No, you called her in your deleted comment an “advocate of terror.” If you didn’t mean to call her an ‘advocate of terror per se’ you should’ve made that clear, but didn’t.

    If Rachel Corrie was naïve, can you tell me any other 23 yr old who isn’t naïve? Her views were developing. She was torn bet. taking a position hostile to Israel and one that embraced Israeli-Palestinian co-existence. She wasn’t a propagandist as she’s made out to be. She was a flesh and blood human being full of inconsistency and ambivalence. She was a passionate woman who wanted to make that part of the world a better place and wanted to relieve Palestinian suffering. She was killed for her trouble. That doesn’t deserve the treatment you accorded her. I don’t agree w. everything she wrote about the conflict that’s in the play. But essentially her perspective was on the right track.

  7. Richard, Thanks for the feedback. It’s a bit too much of a drive up from Eugene just to see the play, but I’ve ordered the “play” online and it will be informative to read what she wrote. I’ve read some of the vitriolic, absolutely digusting attacks on Rachel Corrie on the Web and it just makes you sick to your stomach: Darwinian survival-of-the- fittest jokes, statements rejoicing in her death. It makes me really wonder about the moral universe of some on the other side of this debate, not that there’s two clear-cut, dichotomous “sides”, but you know what I mean. Anyway, sorry to divert from the main thrust of this blog post…


  8. I’ve read some of the vitriolic, absolutely digusting attacks on Rachel Corrie on the Web and it just makes you sick to your stomach

    I’ve seen it to. It makes you realize that there are some people who are human beings but devoid of humanity. That’s why I react so viscerally when people call her a “terrorist” & other such junk.

    BTW, my brother lives in Salem & calls dances in Eugene all the time.

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