5 thoughts on “Edwards Got It Right: Israeli Attack on Iran IS Threat to World Peace – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Edwards never said that. It was a deliberate misquote, the rabid leftist extremes need to lie to come up with something to prop themselves up with. Everyone knows that the blogosphere has been trying to hijack the democratic party to milk it for profits and control.. and sorry, but just as when you ran that hypocritical, liar Ned Lamont, y’know the one making millions off outsourcing his workers jobs, and from Walmart investments, it shows how the far left is no different than the far right.. you don’t know what democracy is.

  2. Edwards never said that. It was a deliberate misquote

    There is so much wrong with this comment I don’t quite know where to begin. First, it wasn’t a quote as I made quite clear in my post if you’d bothered to read it. It was a paraphrase. As for whether or not Edwards said it–how would YOU know? Were you there? Edwards spokesperson says he didn’t say it. Peter Bart, a respected journalist, says he did. I find it credible that he might’ve said it. My claim was not that he said it, but that EVEN IF HE HAD he would’ve been right in saying it.

    As for all your other insipid nonsense, I’ll let other readers who bother judge whether or not it’s worth taking your ridiculous nattering seriously.

  3. ‘As for all your other insipid nonsense, I’ll let other readers who bother judge whether or not it’s worth taking your ridiculous nattering seriously. ‘

    It isn’t.

  4. It IS ridiculous (if not childish, scurrilous, and a thousand other adjectives I could come up with…) to talk about “the blogosphere” as if it is a single entity with a single viewpoint and a single agenda. It’s no different than saying “Everyone knows The Jews want to” or “Everyone Knows Libarls want to” or “Everyone knows Blacks Want to” and so on….

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