5 thoughts on “New Dovish Jewish Coalition to Raise Millions with Soros’ Support – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. It is good to hear that members of the American Jewish Community are starting to realize that the continuing unchecked land grabs by Israeli Settlers are imperiling the chances of a comprehensive peace in Greater Israel. For the very land that is available for a truly independent Palestinian State is rapidly disappearing due to the expansion of Settlements scattered all throughout the West Bank.

    Today I saw an effective Television add called: Save DARFOR. It showed the suffering people, esp the children. Has anyone approached this group with the idea of buying key television time to show Palestinian suffering and that we are in such a critical juncture to either make peace or go down the path of Apartheid. Perhaps, now that Former President Jimmy Carter has written a book highlighting the crisis in Israel of which he hopes to stimulate debate, Perhaps some TV adds might fuel the fire and keep the mainstream media from ignoring this issue……

  2. When Mr Carlson says, “Has anyone approached this group…”, is he talking about the Darfur group? Many good people, including some organized Jewish groups, are very involved in saving Darfur. However they will not touch the Palestine issue due to fear of ‘controversy’.
    Re: Jimmy Carter’s book, I heard him interviewed by Larry King and Terry Gross. President Carter does a great job in getting the facts about Palestine out. Certainly no lesser personage would be able to. I do agree with Mr. Carlson that this is a time to take advantage of this.
    Interesting, in both interviews, every time Carter managed to discuss the horrific conditions in the OT, the interviewer would switch gears. Nevertheless, he imparted a lot of information never heard on US mainstream media.

    Another small but powerful break in the silence was last week’s PBS’s Independent Lens documentary featuring Haaretz reporters Amira Hass and Gideon Levy, among others.
    [including the brave Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya]

    If anyone hasn’t seen this, I really recommend it, and if you appreciate it, suggest you e-mail them, because for sure they have gotten hundreds of e-mails accusing them of ‘not showing the other side’, ‘being anti-Israel’, and the usual.


  3. When Mr Carlson says, “Has anyone approached this group…”, is he talking about the Darfur group?

    No, I think he was referring to the new progressive group with which Soros is involved. He’s advocating an ad campaign by them to inform the world about Palestinian suffering.

    I don’t agree w. you about Carter being the only source in our media for good info on Palestinian suffering & the evils of the Occupation. That’s what this entire blog is about & I find good sources all over the U.S., European & Israeli media. But I would certainly agree w. you that Carter is a great champion of human rights & the necessity of both Israelis & Palestinians living together in peace w. neither side harming or subjugating the other.

    Thanks for that PBS link. I’ve never seen Levy or Hass on TV & look forward to that.

  4. “No, I think he was referring to the new progressive group with which Soros is involved. He’s advocating an ad campaign by them to inform the world about Palestinian suffering.”

    That’s a great idea!!

    re the media and Palestine news: I meant CNN, ABC, etc. There is a LOT on blogs, and Internet news sites, which is where I’m going to turn right now to see if I can discover what dear Mr. Olmert is up to.


  5. I appreciate what Keith & you are getting at regarding telling the U.S. about Palestinian suffering. And I agree that such suffering has been terrible & inexcusable. But being entirely pragmatic about what will move American Jews & Americans in general to change their attitudes toward this conflict, I think it has to be phrased more in terms that explain the danger to Israel of its government continuing down this path. Unfortunately, Palestinian suffering is far removed fr. the avg. American’s consciousness. American Jews must be told, & told over & over again till it sinks in, that this policy is a mortal danger to Israel.

    You’re prob. right, Ellen, about the big mainstream media sites like ABC & CNN being devoid of good analysis of the conflict. But if you read NY Times, LA Times, WashPo, listen to NPR or PBS News Hour, you’ll get plenty of good info.

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