2 thoughts on “Beit Hanun Massacre Survivors ‘Beg God Not to Harm Muslim or Jew’ – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. This can be very simply solved. Get the Palestinians to stop their rocket fire and Israel will stop theirs. Maybe if you liberals like you would stop babying the terrorists we could make some real progress here towards peace, instead of refusing to hold the Palestinains accountable for their actions.

    Look, buddy, I was once very pro-peace process, but I don’t know how anyone can be now. All we here from the Palestinian side is extremism like Hamas who openly says no peace, and the most we can get from these so called moderates is sweet talk to the western media, but in their own language they talk of stages-that is of eventually pushing Israel into the sea. And all we hear from liberals and other anti-semites like you is how we should ignore all their talk and keep giving more and more concessions. Well, I’m tired of it.

  2. Do I hear an echo?

    This can be very simply solved. Get the Israelis to cease their fire on innocent Palestinian civilians. Schedule urgent negotiations between Olmert & Abbas leading to final status talks. Israel agrees to withdraw to pre 67 boundaries, agrees to a Palestinian state with capital in E. Jerusalem. Israel withdraws its forces fr. all Palestinian areas. The PA through its designated negotiators, Abbas, agrees to recognize Israel. Hamas agrees to accept Abbas’ settlement. All sides agree to immediately end attacks on the other. International monitors are appointed to enforce the agreement.

    Maybe if right-wingers like you would stop babying the Israelis, we could make some real progress here towards peace, instead of refusing to hold the Israelis accountable for their actions (& more importantly, inaction).

    I was once pro-peace.

    And what are you now? Pro war? That’s of course what you are. Pro- endless war between the two peoples till, in yr fevered expectation, Israel destroys the Palestinian will to fight. This is an utterly futile proposition which will never come to pass. Israel can NEVER break the back of Palestinian resistance. Nor will the Palestinians ever be rid of Israel. A fight to the death which you propose will only end in two dead peoples, not a single victor & a single vanquished.

    All we hear from the Israeli side is obstructionism, like Olmert who says “I’ll meet with Abbas” & somehow never does. The most we can get from these so called (Israeli) moderates is sweet talk to the western media like “we support a 2 state solution” (but never want to sit down to negotiate one). All we hear from pro-Israel fanatics and other Palestine haters like you is how we should ignore the peace option & keep up the never ending drumbeat of war.

    We’ll I’m damn tired of it (& you).

    You see, two can play at this game. I just mirrored your entire phrasing by changing a few nouns. This was meant to show you how bankrupt yr language & thinking is. Everything you criticize in Palestinian attitudes is precisely mirrored by the same Israeli attitudes in reverse. Except only the morally obtuse like you do not recognize this.

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