You all knew that Bush believed this all along. And you half suspect that if Bush doesn’t have the “balls” to nuke the Eye-ranians that Israel will do it for him. Cheney has said as much. But you thought Bush would never dare reveal it publicly. Well, now via Maariv he has–sort of. This from the Jerusalem Post:
President Bush reportedly said he would “understand” a preemptive Israeli strike against Iran s nuclear sites.
Maariv, citing diplomatic sources, reported Thursday that French President Jacques Chirac discussed Iran s nuclear program with Bush on the sidelines of the recent UN summit.
Asked by Chirac if Israel could attack Iran to prevent it getting the bomb, Bush reportedly said: “We cannot rule this out. And if it were to happen, I would understand it.”
The report could not be independently confirmed.
Seems like the French, if they’re the source for this, have got it in for old George. Of course, this might come from a Cheney type who’s trying to rattle Iran’s cage a bit. Telling the Iranian anti-Semitic attack dog that Israel will do America’s dirty work and take out his reactor would be like putting fresh meat in front of a pitbull. Or the source might be someone like Dan Halutz or another well-placed hawk (such as Avigdor Lieberman) eager to drop the big one on those Eye-ranians.
And one does have to ask this question: perhaps Bush “would understand” an Israeli attack, but would the rest of the world–specifically the Arab world?? I DON’T THINK SO! Could we get any closer to a World War were this to happen? Of course, one must realize there are many Israelis, perhaps most, who firmly believe that there will be such an Iran-Israel war and that it is imperative to fight it. They are loons but this is what they believe. What I wonder, though, is why our president has to give them the rope to hang themselves by sanctioning such nitwitery.
They hate us for our freedom….
A cursory reading of Ezekiel’s 38th chapter reveals that Iran, backed by Russia, will attack Israel, so by allowing Israel to knock out the Eye ranian’s reactor, the world would be, as your site says, a better place. By the way, we’re already in WW III.
James Fallows in his article “Is Iran Next?” (Atlantic Monthly 12/04) reported on the war gaming against Iran. The unintended consequences were all negative. Kenneth Pollack is his book “The Persian Puzzle” came to the same conclusion. The war gaming was done by respected military experts. But never underestimate the stupidity of the Bush and Olmert governments who have yet to realize that war is not the answer.
First, I’ll say that’s a cursory reading. In fact, you needn’t have bothered reading the chapter at all since nothing of what you spoke is even vaguely alluded to in that chapter. Hey, but don’t let that stop you. Reality and a literal text never stopped anyone like you intent on hijacking a sacred text for yr. own political/theological purposes.
Batten down the hatches, boys (& girls). If this loon has his way we’ll all be riding that A-bomb like Slim Pickens in Dr. Strangelove down to Iran.
Joel Rosenberg, in his new book “Epicenter”, translates the 38th chapter of Ezekiel in very concrete terms….the countries mentioned the chapter actually are Russia, Iran and “other” radical North African terrorists. It can’t be any clearer if one studies the ancient names for these places. To pretend that Iran and Russia don’t have designs on wiping Israel off the face of the earth is simply to stick your terrorist-loving dove head right into the mucky mire. Get out your prayer rug and start hitting your knees and face to the floor five times a day and face east, west, north and south, cause the bombs will be coming from all directions. Shalom friend.