11 thoughts on “Kristol’s Neocon Fantasy: Lebanon as Prelude to Iran-Syria War – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. I just read your post about Kristol’s fantasy. I am sure you know I will disagree. Israel has lived under the threat of attack from terrorist long enough the restraining hand of this country and others has to be removed and Israel must destroy The ability of terrorist to launch attacks from Lebanon. Just as we had to destroy the war making ability of Japan and Germany during World War 2 so Israel must do to achieve any kind of security. After 50 years of negotiating with these monsters it is obvious that nothing else will suffice. They do not wish a negotiated peace just the destruction of Israel. I also read were you referred to the war on terror in Iraq as failing. Nothing could be further from the truth. The US forces and British are turning over control of areas of Iraq to Iraqi security forces about every other day. In just the last couple of days a whole region was turned over. I believe that in another year most of Iraq will be controlled by Iraq’s own military leaving only a small number of Americans there in and advisory and logistics role. What has been accomplished in Iraq in the short amount of time and with so few casualties is nothing short of amazing and a credit to the young men and women of our armed forces. Not that there has not been failures you have those in any war but that does not change the great job that is being done. There will be a free and democratic Iraq much to the dismay of those whose only joy is seeing this administration fails. Our troops have liberated Afghanistan from one of the most oppressive regimes in history and removed a man that butchered over 300 thousand of his own people whose appetite for torture was well known and documented. We have done so in less time than it took Janet Reno to take down the Branch Dravidians in Waco or Hillary to find the billing records of Rose Law firm. Make no mistake we are in a desperate war with radical Islam and trying to reason with them is not an option. There goal is our demise and imposing there cult on our society. I also have found some of the comments at KOS revolting since your dust up. People dreaming what a grand place the world would be with out Israel and agreeing with the lunatic that leads Iran that they do not deserve to exist. I have to wonder how long it will be before posters at KOS will want to start the ovens back up at Buchenwald.

  2. Too little time & not enough energy to do a full rebuttal. Suffice to say that we disagree on the issue.

    What has been accomplished in Iraq in the short amount of time and with so few casualties is nothing short of amazing

    Amazing? Jack, I think you drank Bill Kristol’s (or was it Don Rumsfeld’s?) cool aid. Scores are killed every day there in suicide bombings & flat out mass murder. Shiite & Sunni death squads roam the streets with impunity. The middle class is fleeing the country in mass exodus. Over 2,500 of our boys & girls have been killed. Where is the victory?

    Our troops have liberated Afghanistan from one of the most oppressive regimes in history

    I have no doubt that the Taliban were/are bad hombres, but “one of the most oppressive regimes in history?” Hardly, Jack. Know thy history. Hitler? Stalin? Pol Pot? Attila? Those were oppressive. The Taliban were mere gnats in comparison I’m sorry to say.

    I also have found some of the comments at KOS revolting…People dreaming what a grand place the world would be with out Israel and agreeing with the lunatic that leads Iran that they do not deserve to exist. I have to wonder how long it will be before posters at KOS will want to start the ovens back up at Buchenwald.

    I think you’re being overly dramatic, maybe even hysterical. I don’t follow Kos as closely as you. But likening the Kos folks to full-bore Nazis is a low blow. And if you want to make accusations like that you should at least provide a link so someone can judge the comments for themselves.

  3. Richard you have not seen those comments at Kos they made the national news? And yes my noble friend the Taliban was one of the most reprssive in history. Not the most but one of the most Repressive. Also as someone that has spent a lot of time in a war what these troops have accomplished is amazing. More and more of Iraq will fall under complete control as the security forces are brought to bare. Oh I am not a big Kristol fan. I hope it is not as hot where you are as it is here in Tennessee the heat will rob you of energy.

  4. Dont be so up tight man things are going to work out for the better you will see. Israel was forced to act to stop the attacks. We have not been attacked here in CONUS. Cheney and Bush and Secratary Rumsfeld knew the jihadist would come rolling into Iraq. There will be some pain now but in the long run things will be a lot more stable and there just might be a chance for real peace in the middle east. Take Care

  5. What has been accomplished in Iraq in the short amount of time and with so few casualties is nothing short of amazing.

    It is tragic that so many Americans have the view that a loss of life – as long as they aren’t white people, doesn’t count…

    The amount of casaulties in Iraq is sickening. And the loss of – what will soon be 3,000 Americans is hardly what I would call “so few”… It sickens me to see their deaths so trivialized..

  6. JimB wrote early Sunday Morning:

    Sabbath over and now a new week beginning with the scripture and yes, your blog,
    Richard, I say, thanks–and with a heavy heart I continue writing a few

    Starting this day with the incomparable 23rd Psalm of David and also reading
    Psalm 119:105: Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet….and later reading the
    opening surah, the Fatiha…In the name of God the Merciful, the
    Gracious…I ask these questions?

    What would the mature King David really think about the cruelty going on in
    his beloved Zion? What would Moses think? How about Jesus? How about the
    mature covenant-committed Mohammad searching for Peace and Submission in the
    jihad/struggle against evil?

    Blessed are the peacemakers! The covenant makers. Blessed are those who see
    the God of Peace that is for all humanity…who see the possibilities of
    negotiated peace and pursue them relentlessly in this vaie of tears and

    Somehow I don’t think the God of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad would
    really approve of the carnage taking place in the name of “Zion” in the
    Levantine “paradise.”

    If the Word that David speaks of as a Light unto hiis Path is not only
    scripture, but a loving God that lights the way if we go to the light, we’re
    clearly on the wrong track with the carnage we’re perpetrating.

    It’s a no brainer. Stop the carnage. Use reason.

    What a way to start a new week, viewing the picture of a dead child! Sabbath
    over, now on to Sunday, and the days of the God’s of war that follow.

    Come let us reason together sayeth the Lord, though your sins be as scarlet,
    the shall be as white as Sl”…but, we’d better sit down and negotiate and
    stop this blood-letting and the destruction the infrastructure that supports the people of the region.

  7. Richard those of us that have had to watch friends die in a war are the last people that would trivialize any death of any soldier I can assure you of that. But compared to the numbers that had died after three years of war in WW! and WW2, Korea and Vietnam the number in Iraq is very small that was the only comparison. I hate to see any innocent civilian die regardless of color and not all us soldiers are white. There are black and hispanic as well as white it burns me to the core when i read or hear of the death of any soldier because I understand what they are going through. There comes a time when we are forced to act just as the Israelis have been forced to act now to defend themself.There is no negoiating with these monsters. Our leadership understands we act now to figt terrorism after being attacked over and over since 1979 or either we will face the fact of our school buses being bombed just like Israel. Some time the only choice is the bad choice of war when there is no other course left to defend your country and way of life. The only thing these killers will settle for is our conversion to the cult of Islam or our demise they have stated that plainly. Hope you are feeling better.

  8. Richard
    What does that sentence at bottom mean 3621 access attempts blocked? Is that because of your spate with KOS?

  9. JimB
    I guess it is okay as long as it’s a jewish kid or American. They just need to stop the terror attacks and then hiding behind the skirts of there women and children. Thats all it would take just the moslems stop the terror attacks.

  10. Jack: Regarding Iraqi casualties. I was just listening to NPR & if I heard the commentator correctly there are an estimated 50,000 Iraqi civilians who’ve been killed since we invaded. The NY Times today has a headline saying an avg. of 100 are dying ea. day there. That does not remotely constitute “winning” the war. Contrary to what you say, the gov’t. there is incredibly weak (just like in Lebanon or Palestine). I don’t know what it would take for you to concede failure, but eventually I’m afraid you will have to, albeit reluctantly. I have a sort of grudging admiration for yr. idealism regarding the conflict & your hope that it will all turn out right in the end. But I’m sorry to say it is misplaced.

    Not sure what you mean when you say we’ve been attacked “over & over since 1979.” By Iran? Islamic extremists?

    The spam announcement at the bottom of the pg. is how many spam comments my spam filter has intercepted before they were published. It has nothing to do with Daily Kos.

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