3 thoughts on “Irish Music Legend, Mícheál Ó’Domhnaill Dies – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Can’t believe I missed this news during the summer. Was watching my recording of 10 years of Geantraí on TG4 last night and got a shock on hearing the news.

    Have Afterhours in the car and listen frequently. Got to see Micheál play at a concert in Dublin about five years ago when he performed with Triona, Maighread and Donal Lunny. His guitar playing was stunning and his voice sublime. It’s utterly tragic that he’s gone.

    I loved the fact that he was golf fanatic -how untrendy! He obviously had a life outside music – good for him.

  2. Even before I came to be Micheal’s agent with Relativity, he was a part of my life through Silly Wizard. I don’t know how many times Phil Cunningham played “The Death of Queen Jane” on my stereo but I came to know Micheal before I met him as “The Death”. When I finally did come to know him, I found a person with an amazing talent disguised as a quiet man who I use to find sitting in the dark in my kitchen, late at night, pondering things. This was, of course, in addition to finding him in my kitchen peeling spuds with Triona and Johnny Cunningham to accompany the steak au poivre that Phil was cooking up. I was shattered when I heard of Micheal death much like when word of Johnny Cunningham’s death came. In fact, the last I saw Micheal was at Johnny’s “wake”. He bought me a drink and I teased him about his “reading” glasses. Had I known that was the last I would see him, I would’ve told him what I told others: that his voice was like something you wanted to rub your cheek against,
    his guitar playing formed a perfect structure to build a song upon and he, himself, was a wonderful treasure of humor, history and music. I can’t imagine what mayhem he and Johnny are up to but I’m sure that God is laughing.

  3. Sharon: Thanks for enriching my blog with your memories of Micheal, Johnny & Phil. I wish I could’ve known Micheal more than through his music, though that itself was truly a gift.

    I heard Phil & Johnny play at Symphony Space through the World Music Institute in NYC & besides their sublime playing, Phil, I think it was, was a truly hilarious, masterful storyteller. I wish I’d written down the stories he told they were so funny. One involved a man drunk so often they took his driver’s license away and he had to use a rowboat to get anywhere. The other involved someone who was to cater a busload of German tourists only to find when the real busload arrived that he’d catered the wrong busload earlier in the day. Hilarious.

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