I read an arresting ad in the NY Times today which decried a likely U.S. attack against Iran to prevent it from “going nuclear.” Here are some excerpts from the ad copy:
George W. Bush is hellbent on being our first Three-War President.
”The next strategic target is Iran,” a source told Seymour Hersh. “It’s not if,” the source said. “They’re going.”
“Certainly, there’s going to be a serious showdown on Iran,” a Bush advisor told Time magazine this month. “That may help his numbers a little bit.”
…There’s Bush’s next disaster: IRAN.
The American people aren’t buying it. 86% oppose another illegal preemptive war. 69% are afraid Bush will act rashly. Many are stunned…They know another war will create more terrorists, kill more U.S. soldiers, send gas prices soaring, and make the world less safe.
Will Congress catch up with the American people? Will they be Congressmen or Congressmice?
There were a few elements of this ad which struck me as over the top. First, Velvet Revolution, the group sponsoring it doesn’t seem to credit the Iranians with the actual intent to build a nuclear weapon. I think such a notion is absolutely foolhardy (though I don’t believe bombing its nuclear facilities to smithereens is the way to go about combating Iran’s nuclear ambitions). But I think the main thrust of the ad is absolutely on the money.
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Where in the heck would he get the troops for a war with Iran? Not to mention the fact that we woud be fighting Iraq and Iranian Shia all at the same time.
In other articles I’ve seen talk about a “bombing only” campaign. While this worked against Serbia – I’m skeptical it would in Iran and any sort of expanded conflict in the Middle East now would be lunacy
but we weren’t trillions in debt when we bombed the serbians. Where would we get the money?
Lemonasion: Greetings to you & to Iran. So glad you appear to have liked my post (at least I hope so since I can’t read Farsi).
I wish you & yours well & hope that Bush’s plans never come to pass.
As to Dan’s comment, I believe he’s right & that this will prob. be an air attack only. But you know that Bush is itching for regime change in Iran, so who knows what’s creepin’ ’round that brain of his??