I haven’t shared any pictures lately of our twins. These were taken last month when they were approximately 8 weeks, Miriam on the left in the flower tassel hat and Adin sitting on his Mommy’s tummy on the right (they just turned ten weeks yesterday).
Adin can turn over on his side and is tremendously vigorous and energetic. There are times when he can support most of his own weight if I stand him upright. He’s a big bruiser (at least for a twin–he’s still small compared to a singleton of his age) with a big appetite. He has a great personality–serene and low maintenance most of the time. That sure doesn’t mean he’s boring though. He is a darling with a 100 watt smile.
Miriam is smaller and a little more fragile. It’s amazing how different their personalities are even at this tender age. She gets riled up much easier than he. She’s dead serious about everything from feeding to pooping. Life just seems to come a little harder for her. And it’s been that way since the moment she came out of the womb (when she began wailing and didn’t stop for 75 minutes!).
We’ve had glorious spring like weather here for the past almost three weeks and we’ve taken to walking them in the stroller most days. This gives us a chance to walk our dog, Gede, as well. A walk in the stroller is the only surefire way I know to get both of them quiet and asleep at the same time. It works like clockwork. Screaming up to the moment you lock that seat into the double stroller. Then asleep till you end the walk and bring them back into the house.