Ah, those scoundrels at Fox are at it again. Apparently, John Kerry isn’t allowed to refer to the sexual orientation of Dick Cheney’s daughter despite the fact that Cheney himself has spoken publicly about it; and despite a friendly interaction on precisely the same subject between John Edwards and Dick Cheney during their debate (see Reaction to Kerry’s Mention of Cheney’s Gay Daughter Is Heated).

Mary Cheney and dad at Republican Convention (credit: Rex Wockner/Gaytoday.com)
In answering Bob Schieffer’s question about whether homosexuality was “a choice” or biologically determined condition, Kerry replied: “I think if you were to talk to Dick Cheney’s daughter, who is a lesbian, she would tell you that she’s being who she was, she’s being who she was born as.” Now, that’s a perfectly innocuous, respectful and reasonable response. In fact, I especially liked the way he phrased this because it is all too common for the religious Right to say that homosexuality is a devious, deviant condition derived from godless families. In other words, homosexuals are alien to us. What Kerry was saying was that homosexuals ARE us, they are our sons and daughters and deserve our love just as any child does.
Oh and I’ve got a few words for Lynne Cheney who said about Kerry’s response:
The only thing I could conclude is this is not a good man. This is not a good man. And of course, I am speaking as a mom and a pretty indignant mom. This is not a good man. What a cheap and tawdry political trick.”
Gimme a break. Get down off your high horse, Lynne. Your daughter’s gay. Your husband said so more than once publicly. Supposedly, both you and your husband have embraced your daughter and her homosexuality. Gee, I guess we still have a few hangups, don’t we?
What was truly pathetic was Bush’s response to the same question: “I don’t know, Bob. I just don’t know.” This is the same response he gives regarding the issue of global warming: “Gee, there’s no solid scientific proof it exists.” Every major scientific and psychological researcher in the field maintains that homosexuality is innate and not “chosen.” Guess Bush hasn’t heard the news. This is yet another example of Bush not allowing science to cloud his religious or moral prejudices.
James Wolcott of Vanity Fair has a similar perspective in The L Word.