2 thoughts on “Barack Obama: Democratic Shining Star – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. C’est un homme qui promet, c’est un homme noir qui semble agréger sur sa personne les intententions de votes des blancs. Il semblerait que les Noirs ne le voient d’un si bon oeil, car cet homme ne porte pas les traces de l’esclavage en lui. Est-ce que les afro-américains lui accorderont leurs voix, on n’en sait rien.

    Ici (France), tout le monde table sur la victoire Hilary Clinton. En tout cas,i n’importe qui que ce Bush, qui a insécurisé le monde, bref !

    Je m’étonne comment un si grand pays a pu élire un homme ayant si peu d’intelligence on homme empreint de pulsions destructrice, comment un si grand pays a pu porter a la magistrature supreme un si petit homme..

  2. Zephyrin: Obama is a complicated figure. He got his start in Chicago politics as a progressive community organizer. His politics have always been quite left. Now that he’s a senator, his politics have moderated. His positions have become fuzzier & less definitive. This is disappointing. But unfortunately to be expected when a politician takes the national stage.

    I don’t think Clinton has a lock on the nomination nor the presidency. Obama can at least give her a run for her money. I find him far more attractive a figure than Clinton. She too once had quite progressive politics, but has turned hard right in order to get elected president. Somehow, when Bill C. turned to the center I went along w. him. But Hillary has none of the passion or charisma associated w. her husband. Her turn to the center leaves me cold.

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