As anyone who reads my Mideast blog posts knows, I have strongly dovish views on the Israeli-Palestinian...
Month: December 2003

Tomorrow night begins the first night of Hanukah, when Jews around the world will place menorahs with...

The Israeli right-wing never loses an opportunity to politicize the Holocaust for political advantage. Now, they’re adding...

Is it just me or have you noticed that Joltin’ Joe’s looking mighty piqued these days. He...
I recently e mailed Ben Trott about some serious comment abuse on my blog. He replied that...

Hold on to your tzitis, rabbi, but my little friend Schatzie (see adorable photo below) is joining...
Yaffa Maritz, a Mercer Island resident, was honored in New York at the Israeli Policy Forum’s tenth...

I don’t usually arise early enough to see winter sunrises. But we were on our way to...

Can you tell that I have a 2 1/2 year old son?? My post title proves that...

So the day has finally come which George Bush, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Don Rumsfeld and even...
The New York Times December 10th edition ran a front page article, High Payments to Halliburton for...
On Wednesday, December 10th, the New York Times ran two side-by-side front page stories. One was Pentagon...