Yes, they’ve finally done it. They’ve crossed over the line. It’s true that American capitalism believes that rapacity in the pursuit of Mammon is no vice. But marketing American Express cards to 2-Year Olds?! Come on!
My 2-year old son, Jonah received his first mail credit card solicitation recently:
Dear Mr. Silverstein,
Last century, we saw how technology was changing the way people do things. So we set out to create a smart credit card.
At first, my wife and I laughed at the sheer ridiculousness of the letter welcoming him to the Brand of American consumerism. But this quickly turned to disgust as we read the letter offering him 5,000 Continental OnePass bonus miles and a sky high credit limit. To buy what? Disposable diapers, infant formula? Or maybe he had his heart set on that over-sized Hummer that kids are driving around the neighborhood?!
Corporate marketers have clearly taken leave of their senses. What can get them to rein in their worst impulses? Can’t Congress or the FTC moderate the sheer cutthroat rapacity of it all?