5 thoughts on “Elijah the Prophet: a fantasy with riddle in honor of ‘Paysach,’ especially for children – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. What a fantastic story by Aleichem! I am so very glad that you took the time to translate it. I would never have known about it without your visiting my site.

    Thank you for your work in translating this story, a fable of fears being expressed through our dreams, and choices we need to make! It’s a wonderful Pesach tale.

  2. Among a collection of Haggadahs my family has saved I found a pamphlet that was put out by the Manischweitz Company in 1943: The Story of Pesach, edited by I. Chaim Pomerantz. Pomerantz was for a time director of the Sholem Aleichem Folk Institute in Chicago. The pamphlet presents a somewhat different English translation to this Yiddish tale, translated by Chaikey Pomerantz. And there are illustrations!

  3. I am truly baffled by this riddle.I have thought of so many answers. Someone enlighten me and offer an answer that might conside with one of mine

  4. Amazing story that parallels my upbringing as the only child at my maternal grandparents’ Seder. I was seated next to my grandmother. My father was at the far end of the crowded makeshift table and I waited for his nod because the Seder couldn’t begin without me. He smiled at me and I began in Yiddish: Tata yich vil der fragen der fir kashyas. He nodded and I asked the questions in Hebrew just like Sholem Aleichm. Aleichm Sholem to such masterful writing and translation by Richard Silverstein.

    Jacob Akiva ben Nochim

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