An enterprising Typepad blogger has created a Webring for Typepad users. For those of you who do not know what a Webring is–it is (at least as I understand it) a group of bloggers whose blogs have a common principle like subject matter or (in this case) that we’re all TPers. A webring is a great way for TPers and anyone interested in blogs of TPers to identify, locate and visit blogs.
I’ve told the TP staff that it is important that TP maintain a list, accessible to TPers, of all TP blogs (not just recently updated blogs) AND that there be a way to search all TP blogs based on whatever search parameter the searcher chose. Without these features, I cannot know who my fellow bloggers are, what their blogs are about, and I cannot easily access their blogs.
The TP webring goes some distance toward this goal because it allows anyone to see which bloggers are members of the ring, gives the names of their blogs and provides links to each of these blogs. Now, if Snowman would only figure out how to add a search feature!
If you are a TP blogger I urge you to register with the Typepad Users Webring. If you aren’t a TP blogger, visit the Typepad Webring to learn more about the TPers who are webring members and their blogs.