2 thoughts on “Malvina Schwartz: An Auschwitz Survivor’s Oral History – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. My Aunt Malvina Fried was from Hungary. Her two sisters married men named Schwartz. The sisters and their respective families died. Where did you get this information? I would like to know more about my family. Thank you

  2. My maiden name is Malvina Schwartz. My mother A”H was from the same town of vashrasnamen. Her maiden name was Yolan Farkas. It appears that my mother A”H was in Auchwitz at the same time as Malvina Schwartz was. Can you connect me with the woman whose baby, Malvina delivered? Perhaps she knew my mother. My mother also helped many people and saved their lives.
    Your article on Malvina Schwartz was very moving. I hope she eventually found true happiness.
    Any connection you can provide, would be most appreciated
    Malvina Halpert

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