Why Does Israel Sell Military Parts to Iran and North Korea that Could Lead to Nuclear Proliferation?That’s right. You read that correctly. Israel currently has no specific laws or regulations that prevent its...
weapons exports
Israel’s Dirty Little Secret: Massive Arms Exports to, and Secret Military Exercises with Muslim NationsYossi Melman, an eternal scourge of Israeli military censorship, has published yet another harsh critique of the...
BREAKING THE GAG: Secret Israeli Supreme Court Ruling Approves Massive Arms Sale to Genocidal Burmese Juntaבג”ץ אישר בהחלטה חשאית את המשך יצוא הנשק מישראל למשטר בבורמה, המואשם בפשעים נגד האנושות المحكمة العليا...
Israeli Arms Exporter Demonstrated Drone to Azeri Buyers by Attacking Armenian Army PositionsYossi Melman reports in Maariv (after the Maariv story and this post was published, Haaretz also reported on...
Kashmir-Palestine: India and Israel Both Use Human Shields to Maintain Military OccupationWorld media has been reporting the shocking story (to those who don’t follow IDF tactics in the...