Middle East Eye published another piece of mine that covers other impacts of the election. This post is part 2 of my Israeli election analysis. Yesterday’s commentary is here.
Israel has, for the first time, elected a fascist government. Yes, there have right wing coalitions in the past. But none like this one. One might even call it, per Yeshaya Leibowitz’s term, Judeo-Nazi. I won’t argue the point. Netanyahu has won a sweeping and shocking victory. 65 seats out of 120. He has entirely swept the field. There is hardly even an Opposition remaining. Both the Zionist left and the Palestinian left have been decimated. It is simply fascism triumphant.

I vacillate between shock, dismay, and a perverse realization: the only silver lining in this disaster is that Israel will be fully exposed as the racist, violent, homicidal, genocidal state it is. Gone are the sophistries and niceties that decent liberals once used, calling Israel a “Jewish and democratic state;” or a “liberal humane state;” “the only democracy in the Middle East, etc. It is nothing of the sort. And anyone who attempts to smooth the edges of fascism is either a fool or a willing co-conspirator in this offense against humanity.
Social media platforms collaborate in this retreat from the unpalatable. Twitter slapped on the video below of Judeo-thug violence, a screen restricting you from seeing Ben Gvir’s Brownshirts rampaging through Oaiestinian Sheikh Jarrah. It warns of “potentially sensitive content.” Instead, it should say: watch this despite the fact that it contains offensive content. Apparently such images are just too troubling to see. Which of course shields the world from seeing what Israel really is.
Western states continue their somnolence regarding Israel’s true nature. They continue to sleep-walk through the hasbara miasma that Israel, and its various foreign lobbies, have devised. For example, all the US State Department could muster was a congratulatory message praising Israel for its unprecented election turnout:
A National Security spokesperson said on the election, “We are pleased to see such strong voter turnout for the Knesset election. It is too early to speculate on the exact composition of the next governing coalition until all the votes are counted. We look forward to continuing to work with the Israeli government on our shared interests and values.”
Not a word about the actual outcome of the election. Not a word about the rampant fascism of the new government; not even a whimper of discomfort. Not-a-word.
As for the US Israel Lobby, the cat’s got their tongue:
U.S. Jewish-organizations, by and large, remained silent against Ben-Gvir’s potential inclusion, undoubtedly partially motivated by his growing popularity that was validated by Tuesday’s election results. None of the key U.S. Jewish establishment organizations have yet to comment on the results.
What do we stand for as Jews? Is blood more imporant than values? Have we been reduced to apologists for apartheid and looming Jewish-Muslim holy war? What will it take to utter even a word?
Leader of the British Opposition, Keir Starmer, even waxed rhapsodic about how a mere election couldn’t diminish the “shared values” between the UK and Israel. What shared values? Genocide? Mass murder? Stolen lands? Trampled rights? Is this what he means? I suppose if you want to go back to the era of Empire, Britain did represent many of these odious values. But haven’t we learned any lesson from that?
Here is his spokesperson:
”I would make a broader point that we would say about any country, and that is there will always be disagreements one can have around policy and politics and the rhetoric that individual politicians might use.
“But that doesn’t change the fundamental nature of the relationship between the two countries.
“We continue to believe in a strong relationship between Britain and Israel, and that transcends party politics.”
Politics are at the heart of national relationships. You cannot, or at least should not, have a relationship with a country that is devoid of politics. And certainly in this case, the problem is inherently political. There comes a time when nations must decide that the tide of fascism should be resisted rather than coddled. Do we not remember Neville Chamberlain’s deal with the devil? What must we wait for? Another Srebrenica (which was a similar mass murder of Muslims by Serbian fascists)?
Some other comments from UK pro-Israel figures:
One senior Labour figure, speaking on condition of anonymity, told the JC: “If Smotrich and Ben Gvir do end up as ministers, that is going to make life for those of us who count ourselves as Israel’s friends more difficult. It will strengthen the hand of those who claim that Israel is not upholding the inclusive values we support.”
…Jewish Labour MP Margaret Hodge said: “The return of Benjamin Netanyahu to front-line politics in Israel is concerning for Israeli democracy…
“He has promised to bring into government far-right ideologues from the Religious Zionism party, whose extremism poses significant concerns for pluralism in Israel and working towards a two-state solution. In my view this could well exacerbate tensions rather than ensure the security and peace that Israeli citizens want.”
And Jewish Labour Movement national chair Mike Katz said: “Netanyahu’s coalition with extremists, in his bid to avoid justice, is damaging the foundations of Israel’s democracy. #”The values of Ben Gvir, Smotrich and their ilk are an utter betrayal of the principles upon which Israel was founded.”
No Mike, their religio-fascist views are the (implict) principles on which Israel was founded. One might argue that originally someone might have been deceived into thinking it was otherwise. But over time, it has become clear that these extremist values were embedded in Israel’s founding and eventually became explicit, as they are now.
US progressive Democrats seem to have been struck dumb as well. Where are Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Ilan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Pramila Jayapal? Are they too shell-shocked to speak? If they don’t, what do they expect from BIden, Blinken and their lot? Without a strong voice, the administration will feel no pressure to do anything.
What should happen? All western nations should immediately ban Smotrich and Ben Gvir and anyone associated with their Jewish Power party. Anyone accused of committing an act of terrorism. Anyone remotely connected to the ideology of Meir Kahane should be considered persona non grata. It is a shame that the US removed Kahane from the Treasury Department terror list, because his disciples now own the levers of state power. It is a dream their rebbe could hardly have imagined.
Lawless israelis run riot in Sheikh Jarrah after election results, stone homes and attack Palestinian families: no one cares | @OnlinePalEng pic.twitter.com/8QWd1s3oTG
— Sarah Wilkinson (@swilkinsonbc) November 2, 2022

Above is an example of the thuggish violence we have in store. Apologists may say: these are random thugs. They don’t mean anything. Any country has such thugs. That’s not the point. Yes, nations have thugs. But only fascist nations have thugs organized in gangs and under the auspices of the state. And if you think these Judeo-Nazis don’t represent the state and what the new government believes, you have a shock in store. Wait till you see the vicious K-9-like violence Judeo-Nazis like Bezalel Smotirch and Itamar Ben Gvir will unleash. It will be like Bull Connor’s dogs and firehoses, except on a national scale.
Under the current so-called center-right government (I laugh when journalists call it “center-left”), the army has murdered150 Palestinians, with massive invasions of towns and villages nightly, breaking down doors, ransacking homes, the stench of tear gas everywhere. Not to mention the dead. If this is what happens under a centrist government, what do you think will happen now? If rivers of blood are flowing now, it will become a raging torrent.
Netanyahu and Israel now join a long line of Euro-fascist governments including Italy, Hungary and Poland. Not to mention India and Russia. It’s no accident that the Israeli leader has deliberately cultivated close relations with all of them. Some of them, like Poland and Hungary, are explictly anti-Semitic. In their case, they can hate Jews, but love Israel. Why? Because Israel hates Muslims and foreigners. Because like them, Israel is dominated by a nostalgia for an ancient national past. Like them, the country is dominated by religious fundamentalism. Israel is one of them. But Jews (meaning Diaspora Jews)? Not so much. They are liberal. They are secular. They support democracy. They live in, and embrace multi-ethnic societies. Our enemy, the fascists say. And Israel joins with them. It too hates the liberal Jews of America who disdain it for its violence and hate.
Israel’s ideological partners are not liberal democracies. Netanyahu knows or suspects that eventually the US, as a traditional liberal democracy, will turn on him. Already, opinion polls show marked declines in support for Israel. Even among American Jews. Progressive Democrats are beginning to raise their voices in opposition. They are proposing that the US condition aid on adherence to international law. All this will eventually become a torrent of disgust. That’s why he’s cultivating relationships with ideological soulmates. He will need them when he’s thrown out in the cold by western democracies.
The Palestinian Left hasn’t been ‘decimated’ – there has only ever been only Palestinian Left wing party, hadash, which, together with its nationalist partner taal (the joint list), keeps its 4-5 seats. Abbas’s raam party is also not left but Islamic nationalist and also retained its 4-5 seats.
Balad is also nationalist, far from left, and lost its seats by an unfortunate decision not to run on the joint list with hadash-taal.
There may still be a vague possibility of Israel saving itself from itself by forming a centre right coalition without the fascists, seeing that even Bibi sees Ben Gvir as a danger to his hegemony and to his party.
@ Shai: You have no idea what you’re talking about. Hadash is one of four Palestinian parties: Balad, Taal and Raam. All of them, including Raam are FAR to the left of any Israeli party, including Meretz. It is ridiculous to claim Balad is not leftist because it is “nationalist.” And WTF do you know about Balad? Don’t pretend you know anything. Do you think nationalists can’t be leftists? Balad supports a one-state solution. A position anathema among Israeli Jews, hence, leftist.
As for forming a “center right” coalition, that’s ridiculous for 2 reasons. First, Bibi is not a centrists and will never form a coalition with any center-right parties. Besides, who would have him? Lapid? Gantz? Saar? You must be joking. Second, Jewish Power is the party which brought him to power. As the saying goes: you dance with the guy who brought you. It is his natural ally. The idea he would go in any other direction is foolish.
We are not defining ‘left’ in the same terms – left to me means communist or socialist ideology, anti capitalist economy, fighting for the working classes, social justice, and separation of religion from state.
Meretz and Labour ceased to be left years ago when they adopted social democratic values and a free economy. Hadash us the only ‘left’ party by that definition which is the usual universal definition.
In Israel left is sometimes used as what one’s peace plans (or lack of) are. This complicates the situation.
Apart from hadash, none of the other Palestinian/Arab parties espouse socialism, all are strongly religious in their outlook.
Once again, wrong. “Left is an inclusive term, not exclusive as you have portrayed it. Under the definition here, all the Palestinian parties may be considered left. Of course Rasm’s Islamic opposition to gay rights is not “left,” but most of the rest of it’s platform is.

I don’t agree with your analysis because I don’t agree that Israel is going fascist. Fascism is being used as a term of abuse. Fascist regimes usually come to power in order to crush the working class or popular movements.
Israel is a settler colonial state in which the Jewish ruling class has allied with the Israeli Jewish working class against the Palestinians. It is a different creature. That doesn’t make it better for the Palestinians. Indeed it may make it worse.
The Deep South is a better example than say Nazi Germany or Mussolini’s Italy.
But my major point is this. Ben Gvir is the logical outcome of Zionism. A Jewish state was always flawed from the start. What is a Jewish state if not a state to discriminate against those who are not Jewish. States have certain dynamics, which are class based. All states seek to scapegoat different minorities but usually there are countervailing pressures, such as unions, civil society etc. We have a government trying to whip up hatred against refugees here at the moment but there is also a counter pressure.
In Israel there is none because the whole Zionist spectrum from left to right agrees on a Jewish state and the need for separation from ‘the Arabs’. This is the platform of the ‘left’ as well as the right Zionists.
Gvir is a Kahanist. Of that we are clear. But if we go back to his mentor, Meir Kahane, then he was an honest Zionist. He said that Israel could be a democratic state or a Jewish state but it couldn’t be both. And he was right. It is the hypocrites of the left Zionists who pretended that you could have both. A democratic state in which Jewish would inevitably be superior.
We should also remember that Kahane was stopped from restanding for the Knesset in 1988. Why? Not because he was a racist but because he was tipped to get 8-9 seat s. There has always been the potential for this Kahanism to come to the surface because it is inherent in the logic of a Jewish state.
Today with a critical mass of settlers in the West Bank, which we didn’t have in 1988, there is a far greater potential for Kahanism to grow still further.
It remains to be seen how this plays out in the USA. I suspect the Zionists will argue that Gvir only got 14 seats barely 10% and compare it to Italy etc. Of course Israel is vastly different to Italy, Hungary etc. because none of those countries occupies another people.
However we should celebrate one result. The disappearance of the hypocrites of Meretz. These advocates of 2 states etc. couldn’t even bring themselves to oppose the outlawing of 6 human rights groups on the West Bank. I shall drink a toast to that if nothing else.
What a shame to see Israel go down the toilet like this so blatantly. It’s the people ultimately, the voters. Netanyahu is a force for ill, as he has always been but his head will grow even bigger.This result will have its repercussions and the story is not over.The pretense about Israel being a democracy, against the use of the term apartheid and the deception of “two states for two peoples” may finally be no sell even with governments abroad that formally turned away from the truth for convenience, including the US. Israel is exposed more than ever. Now we will see justifications for that smell( at least) of fascism, for this rightward turn. Netanyahu,dishonest/two faced, craven, power hungry, opportunistic, shameful, will have his hands full. It’s not over despite the despair of the moment, which also may not be over, but you never know. If Israelis want something better they will have to get over their fears and fight for it. Otherwise, it’s really on them what Israel has become.
Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur oPt
A variety of references documenting weaknesses/ instrumentalization of the #IHRA definition.
Mr Silverstein, I honestly do not understand your claim that Israel is not a democracy.
Free elections took place. After the previous election, right wing parties joined left parties and formed a government. This week’s election has reversed those results.
From what I have read, the left lost the election because they refused to unify their parties. Had they done so, the results would have been very different.
I understand that you dislike the people elected, but over one million people voted for them. Not all of these people can be defined as fascist.
I would suggest that rather than complain about the results, that you instruct the parties that lost to correct their errors next time around.
@Efrat: Let’s compare Israel to the pricniples of a genuine democracy:
secularism: not really; Israel is a theocracy and will be moreso in the new government.
Multi-ethnic/minority rights and full participation:not really–Israeli Palestinians face 50 separate laws and de jure practices discriminating against them.
Religious freedom & tolerance:not really. Judaism is the state religion. Muslim worship is routinely restricted.
Peace:Not really; Israel is a garrison state
Rule of law: Not really; the poewrful can get away with virtually anything; not to mention the army and security forces.
Free and fair elections: Not really. Germany had “free and fair elections” in 1933. How did that go? Lots of countries who are fascist have elections. But they’re no democracies.
Media: Not really. Israel Hayom, country’s largest daily, is funded by $40/yr from oligarch Sheldon Adelson (presumably now from his wife, Miriam). Bibi closed the country’s main national TV channel because he didn’t like its coverage.
Further, filming Palestinian polling places to intimidate voters is the opposite of free and fair elections.
Not to mention the repeated efforts to disqualify participation of Palestinian candidates in elections.
The “left” did not “lose the eldection.” They were never going to win the election. What they did was to self-destruct in the way you mentioned. But Ayelet Shaked did the same. The difference is that right-wing extremists still won the election without her. Stupid mistakes do not excuse the outcome–which is an exterminatist criminal government.
It doesn’t matter what their intent was in voting. Their intent may have been pure as the driven snow (it wasn’t). What matters is who the candidate is and what he plans to do. Ben Gvir & Smotrich are ex-terorists. They plan to ignite war between Jews and Muslims. If that’s the country you want to defend, be my guest. But don’t come crying to me when these clowns turn the Middle East (or at least their corner of it) into a war zone with thousands of dead and mass expulsion.
How condescending of you: first to advise me who and what I should “instruct” (I don’t instruct anyone about anything); and to assume the left parties want instruction from me or advice from you. Finally, Iwould suggest that you “instruct” Israel not to walk off a cliff into the abyss. THough it is hell-bent on doing just that and no instruction from you would matter.
The Rubicon has been crossed. The accelerationists are gleeful. Professor Liebowitz z”l has been proven correct in his predictions. Oy va voy lanu!