13 thoughts on “We Were as Dreamers – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. “or in the case of the Jews of ancient Babylon–to the Land of Israel. A dream of prosperity, happiness and security.”
    – what brought the Jews back from Babylon wasn’t ‘prosperity’ but old fashion Zionism.

    How can you compare people who wish to RETURN HOME to people who want LEAVE HOME behind and move to a different country?

    1. @ Shachar David: It’s bad enough that Hamilton fuses Revolutionary-era America to hip-hop but your anachronism is even worse. The returnees from Babylon were not Zionists. There was no Zionism. They were Jews offered the opportunity by a benevolent Persian monarch to return to their former homeland. They, unlike you or I, had a direct connection to that homeland because their immediate ancestors had been exiled from it several generations earlier.

      And you’ve also botched my comments on Dreamers, who’ve only known a single home, America. They will only be “leaving their home behind” when they are rounded up, deported & exiled from the only home they’ve ever known, this country. You are confusing the Dreamers with their parents, who came to this country from another country seeking a better life.

      1. ״exiled from the only home they’ve ever known״
        -but that is exactly the point. The ancient dreamers wanted to go back to their original homeland though their families were in exile for decades so obviously many of them were born in Babylon while modern dreamers wish to stay in exile.

        I feel for them but the analogy you’ve made just doesn’t make sense.

        1. @ Shachar David: This was your last comment in this thread.

          modern dreamers wish to stay in exile.

          Dreamers are not in exile in America. America is their home. You again are confusing Dreamers with their parents. I’m afraid it’s you who make no sense.

    2. “How can you compare people who wish to RETURN HOME…”

      And precisely who are these “people who wish to RETURN HOME”?

      1. Is this question aimed for me? Because Richard was the one to bring up the Jews of Babylon dreaming of getting back to Zion

        1. Is this question aimed for me? Because Richard was the one to bring up the Jews of Babylon dreaming of getting back to Zion

          Yes, and you must have been suffering from a touch of the Zionist vapors when you were having those hallucinations and waxing lyrical about modern Jews living “in exile” in their own damned countries.

          1. Too bad you have issues understanding a simple sentence.
            At no point was I referring to ‘modern jews’. There were ancient Jews from Babylon and modern immigrants.

            I like you snappy language!

          2. Too bad you have issues understanding a simple sentence.

            I understand you, perfectly.

            At no point was I referring to ‘modern jews’. There were ancient Jews from Babylon and modern immigrants.

            Then please point to one of your earlier comments containing the phrase “modern immigrants”.

            I like you snappy language!

            Why thank you very muchly!

  2. Small “tikkun”, it’s מזמור קחו – Psalm 126. canticum graduum cum converteret Dominus captivitatem Sion facti sumus quasi somniantes but the American Dream died a long time ago, Trump is replacing what little is left with a vacuous nightmare.

    1. @ gefilte: Oops, typo. Thanks for the correction.

      Trump cannot kill the American Dream, nor is it dead. I’d say the Dream of Zion is closer to being dead than the American Dream. THough we can argue about that one (not now or here, please).

    1. @ gefilte: There’s a time and a place. That’s not here or now. And I promised nothing so please don’t put words in my mouth. The subject’s been discussed here multiple times & probably will be again some time in the future.

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