3 thoughts on “Slideshow: Banksy’s Walled Off Hotel – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Many Palestinians are much less enthousiastic about the project, many strong reactions on Twitter, and to be honest, I agree: I think there’s a huge amount of paternalism in Banksy’s comments on his project: he wants it to be a place where Israelis and Palestinians can meet … did he ask what the Palestinian BDS movement think about that ?
    On Middle East Eye: “Banksy’s West Bank hotel causes anger among some Palestinians” by Sheren Khalel.

    1. @ Deir Yassin: I can understand that art can become a bit like a sociology/anthropolgy experiment with the natives if it’s not sensitive. The artistic statement becomes more important than the actual people suffering.

      But the benefit is that an international art figure will draw a new public to the cause. At least that’s the hope.

      I also think his art related to the Separation Wall has dramatized it in the eyes of the world more than any other factor.

      I really doubt many Israeli Jews are heading to Bethlehem for meetings at the hotel. So I doubt much normalization will be happening there.

      1. “I can understand that art can become a bit like a sociology/anthropolgy experiment with the natives if it’s not sensitive. The artistic statement becomes more important than the actual people suffering.”
        Yes, that’s exactly what many Palestinian activists have expressed: a little like war zone tourism in Irak.
        Anyway, we’ll see, also that Bethlehem’s hotel industry already suffers from the occupation, such a the Jacir Hotel.

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