Israel’s embassy in Ireland is not to be outdone in the level of its Islamophobia. But that’s not the worst of it. Fear and loathing of Islam is only part of the problem. The ambassador appears to share the paranoid view of Gates of Vienna, Pam Geller, Robert Spencer, and Anders Breivik, that the goal of Islam is to turn Europe into Eurabia. How else to explain this little bit of fearmongering posted today on its Facebook and Twitter pages?
Sweet Molly Malone has become a Taliban woman in chador. Mona Lisa wears a hijab and totes a Qassam. Hans Christian Anderson’s Little Mermaid carries a Kalashnikov and Michaelangelo’s David is a suicide shahid.
Oh I know what you may say: this is hasbara of the crudest sort. Meant not to persuade anyone, but rather to reinforce the prejudices of those who publish it. To reassure the Faithful and True Believers of the righeousness of the cause. For this you don’t need Madison Avenue chops. Just a few Pavlovian bells ringing at appropriate moments to make the pro-Israel dogs salivate. Red meat, that’s what’s called for. Not so much is required in the thought or ideas department.
Like repeat offenders or serial murderers, the Israeli embassy in Dublin and Ambassador Boaz Modai, are serial offenders when it comes to its hatred of Arabs. In the past, I’ve posted several times about different offenses its perpetrated. Usually, the foreign ministry issues a bland apology, but privately it pats the ambassador on the head and tells him what a great job he’s doing puffing up hatred and paranoia against Europe’s Muslims. This is the sort of attack-dog mentality Avigdor Lieberman loves. In one tweet, the embassy called the venerable Irish Times, the “Palestinian” Times. Subtlety is not the embassy’s strong suit.
In the meantime, some members of the Irish Dail (parliament) are calling for the expulsion of Ambassador Modai, as Brazil has done.
So the next time you read about European anti-Semitism in France or elsewhere, keep in mind that’s precisely the meme the foreign ministry and its happy warriors in Dublin want you to believe. H/t to John Horne.
Orwellian: claiming another faction is being subversive while you disseminate your foreign agenda from the corners of your Dublin embassy. The formula is quite easy, Richard, since it’s persistent. (1) Identify Israel’s accusations against others; (2) invert them; and, (3) voila, you have a comprehensive list of Israel’s crimes against humanity and upon others.
You do not have space to speak to the cease genocide that has been just forced upon Israel on condition of lifting the FAA ban (that quickly brought them into line AND managed to get Bloomberg out of the country — double win). It is supposed to last for 12 hours and begin in minutes.
Given the typical Israeli M.O., this will mean that, within the next few minutes, Israel will perform a series of heinous acts meant to the punt the ball and create great enmity among the Palestinians even during the 12 hour break. It is the equivalent of a boxer delivering a series of low blows after the bell for the round has rung.
I’d like to point out that my other prediction that Israel will be caught red-handed in this conflict executing war crimes came true. Also, the part where I predicted they would commit the stupid act of blaming Hamas. The UN caught then shelling a shelter they warned they wanted to evacuate and the Swedish Press/Military Services said Israel confirmed getting the GPS coordinates to before they killed all those children.
Now, the conditions have truly been created for all of those Palestinians to think that they have zero places to run or hide. The “roof knocking” propaganda is equally absurd.
Israel has officially numbered its own days via this act. It will have to now stand in defiance against the rest of the world as it has always postured. As is obvious from the FAA simply closing air traffic to Israel, Israel isn’t as tough as its leader’s outward chutzpah makes them appear. Neither will Israel be able to create any other conditions to allow it escape from this expiry.
This is pretty much what is in Breivik manifesto, 2083
Such postings are reminiscent of WW I postings about the “Huns” raping Belgium and France. It is that dated and out of place in our time just as Zionism is that dated and out of place in our time. At some point, these people will be laughed off stage. Unfortunately, a lot of blood will flow before then.
As long as the West props up autocrats in Middle Eastern countries, the people in those countries should have the right to escape those autocrats by emigrating to the West.