12 thoughts on “IDF Failures Continue in Negev, West Bank, and Golan – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. “But perhaps that’s what Israel wants. It wants an empowered radical Islamist movement and a discredited secular political center. That way Palestinians can never coalesce around a viable stable leadership.”

    I think this has been clear for a very long time. During the time the Palestinian struggle was first and foremost made by Communist (or at least Radical Left) organizations, they received the support of Western leftists. When Arab Nationalism was the rallying flag, the Palestinians received aid from neighbouring Arab states. Which ideology would then give the Palestinians the least support from the powerful and influential? Islamism is the perfect candidate. This was especially the case after the Iranian revolution, with the resulting tensions.

    It is only now that the full meaning and potential of the apartheid wall, and the related entrenchment of Fortress Israel, is clear. While your opponents are Islamists, you can be sure that they will receive no support from the Christian West, which Israel relies on economically. By perpetuating a struggle against such an opponent, it will be possible to keep the occupation in place under a security pretext, while grabbing what you want meanwhile.

    This is why Israel fears these periods of long calm, with no Intifadas and no rockets from Hamas, and the Palestinian unity government. Enough calm, and the security pretext for apartheid will become ridiculous and the occupation will be seen for what it is. Enough calm, and the BDS movements will grow like wildfire. Eventually, unless there is some great outbreak of violence, Israel will be forced to negotiate with the new Palestinian unity government. And when we get pictures of Hamas leaders negotiating with Israeli leaders, who knows how many years’ work of demonization will be undone.

    1. 1) “But perhaps that’s what Israel wants. It wants an empowered radical Islamist movement and a discredited secular political center. That way Palestinians can never coalesce around a viable stable leadership.”
      There is some truth in this statement, in that it is convenient for those in the Israeli leadership who do not want to
      compromise with the Palestinians to be able to say that there is no partner for peace.When serious peace negotiations finally do come about, they will painfully reveal the extent of a lack of consensus within Israel regarding the price to be paid for peace.

      2) “This is why Israel fears these periods of long calm, with no Intifadas and no rockets from Hamas, and the Palestinian unity government. Enough calm, and the security pretext for apartheid will become ridiculous and the occupation will be seen for what it is.”
      This statement is ridiculous!……..Israel very much wants peace but she is wise enough to understand that even if she wanted to evacuate all settlements and withdraw her forces from Yehuda & Shomron (West Bank) and do so unilaterally, it would be seen as a sign of weakness and would invoke the same extremist reaction that we saw after the unilateral withdrawals from Lebanon and Gaza.
      Israel sees the Palestinian unity government for what it is; a loveless marriage of convenience that will increase hostile activity in an from Yehuda & Shomron (West Bank).
      Israel needs a strong partner on the Palestinian side in order to attain peace, a partner who understands that in order for there to be peace, Israel’s security needs need to be recognized, respected and addressed but Israel could do a lot more to accommodate the emergence and growth of that leadership (partner for peace).
      I am opposed to the settlements because of their cost, because of the damage that they have caused to Israel’s international standing and because Jews will never be the majority in Yehuda & Shomron and all that that entails vis a vis Palestinian rights to self determination, however their existence is a complicated “fait accompli” that must be
      disentangled wisely.

      1. Do NOT use the terms you used to describe the settlements. The only people who use those terms are settlers and those who support them. I do not accept the world-view or language of Israeli ultra-nationalism. Nor do I live in the Bibilical era when those terms were last used. The terms are ‘Palestine’ or the ‘Occupied Territories.’

        Your blather about Israel “very much wanting peace” is enough to make me sick. You and Bibi live in some alternative universe called Zio-world. If you’re going to comment here you’ll have to deal with reality and not with blather & delusion.

  2. It’s not only Israel that is damaging PA’s authority. Didn’t Abbas just claimed that PA foiled 43 kidnappings attempts against Israelis?

  3. “Only in the Haaretz Hebrew article linked above does it note this as a serious security failure. ”

    Maybe the IDF is spread a little thin these days because they’re searching for those poor kidnapped boys.

    1. Assumptions:
      1.There’s a kidnap.
      2.Which was perpetrated by a Palestinian.
      3.It’s thin (like a two man saw?).
      4.They’re not dead.

    2. @ Lou: WHen you insist on being a garrison state in a state of constant war, you have to fight on multiple fronts because so many of your neighbors hate you. So the IDF better learn how to do it or Israel’s sunk.

  4. I read the ynet article. What gall to make such blatantly, false statements! Not surprising – the audacity to lie like that!

  5. Israel wants to destroy Hamas (NOT a “terrorist organization” in my opinion) and wants a marginalized Fatah (already bought and paid for) and I am sure Israel will get it pretty soon.

    Israel, beware of what you wish for though. In face of continuous oppression by Israelis, to a point where Christian and Muslim Palestinian Arabs are mere vermin in the Israeli psyche, Palestinians may soon find a home in ISIS line of thinking and then the Israeli existential nightmare will become truth and the only two parties to blame for such a catastrpohe will be the US and its puppet-master, Israel.

    Only fools cling to the rhetoric that Israel must “go mad” to convince the Palestinians to stay cowed and only a bigger fool thinks Palestinians will simply disappear if ignored and oppressed long enough and hard enough. Right now, the only thing that can allow both parties to continue to live at all, is if they agree to a One-State solution where all three Abrahamic faiths are equally protected and all three live together as equals.

    Don’t tell me it cannot be done, that’s a fool’s argument as well.

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