5 thoughts on “Bibi’s Cheap Trick on Abu Mazen – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. You’re not too serious about these reports? ILMAO in recent months as these stories evolve and evaporate in a matter of days. It’s like background noise, it distracts from the real issues that are on the table in the negotiations for a framework to be set this month.

    About Kerry’s remarks on Abbas. The description I’ll buy into is a repeat of the failure of Arafat in 2000 with the last months Bill Clinton tried to close a deal. Wasn’t Indyk also part of the negotiating team back then? No death threats.

    More interesting is the aricle – US Orthodox groups blast anti-Kerry letter. Also the JPost article Avigdor Liberman supports Secretary Kerry and opposes Bennett in criticism of the negotiations.

    I try to focus on the real views and news on the I-P discussions, obviously we won’t find out until Kerry tells us and unfolds the framework for end negotiations. I mentioned this earlier, Obama/Kerry are working on a comprehensive deal for the region: Syria, Iran and the I-P issue. Who would have thought Iran’s president Rouhani would say he may recognize the State of Israel if the Palestinian issue is resolved? Never mind the small print.

    One unsuspected event may be more troublesome: the Ukraine. A Kremlin official threatens a break-up of the state. This already has soured the relations between Obama and Putin since the G8 Summit last June. It’s getting worse, Obama is irritated by Putin’s grip on Assad and Syria and doesn’t want Russia in the game. As the Opening Ceremony in Sochi was televised, Obama spoke and said: “US would not spend $50 billion on Olympics.” We can do these venues better at less costs. Putin in reply to the NATO missile shield, develops tactical cruise missiles in violation of the START agreement. Just today a leaked audio was released where US involvement of regime change in the Ukraine was discussed. Toria Nuland used a curse word “F *** the EU” telling off EU negotiatior Catherine Ashton for not being tough enough. Interesting recording and a great move. Chancellor Merkel is fuming over this latest incident.

    Just read the announcement George Bush will receive ADL’s highest award. Enemies of the state unite.

  2. Both the US and Israel have been and continue to be involved in assassinations as a matter of national policy.
    I don’t doubt that we are capable of reminding Abbas of what happened to Arafat, perhaps no more than “if you continue on this path you could end up like Arafat”. If they can not resolve the current negotiations in favor of Israel Abbas may well be
    prepared to carry out his threat to join and appeal to other international organizations. So Israel might be interested in
    seeing someone else replacing Abbas particularly since anyone doing so would seem to have to do so through elections.
    It may have been “The Times of Israel” but in one of them I read yesterday there was a discussion of who might replace
    Abbas given his age and health problems. Dahlan headed the discussion.

    What if Abbas agreed to everything Kerry proposes all of it in Israel’s favor? Would Netanyahu want that? Isn’t a failure of the negotiations the desired outcome and the only one that works for Israel?

  3. In August 2012, it was Avigdor Lieberman who specifically called for removal of Fatah leader Abbas. See article – Israel’s foreign minister wants new elections to replace Palestinian leader Abbas.

    Abbas’ spokesman, Nabil Abu Rdeneh, rejected Lieberman’s statement, calling it an “incitement to violence” that “doesn’t contribute in any way to an atmosphere of peace.” He urged Israel and the international community to condemn the letter.

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also sought to quickly disassociate himself from the letter. An official in the prime minister’s office, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue, said the letter does not represent the government’s position.

    Lieberman, who leads a hardline party in Israel, is known for inflammatory rhetoric that has at times agitated his partners in government.

    Today, Lieberman states his support for John Kerry and it’s Bennett who is in AL’s prior role. And then there is Uri Ariel: “There is no hope coalition will sign peace treaty with Palestinians.”

    Interesting read in JPost, the last throes of the far-right in steps forward to a third state solution?

    Late on Friday, the US welcomed remarks made by Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman earlier in the day defending Kerry and his efforts for peace in the region in light of criticism from Economy Minister Naftali Bennett.

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