3 thoughts on “Israel’s New Cyber-Virus Attacks Computers from Iran to Lebanon – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Richard, which are more dangerous, drone attacks (and drone surveillance) or cyber attacks (or surveillance)?
    They both cross international “boundaries” without permission, and both are hard to establish responsibility for. Does KASPERSKY really not know where the mini-Flame is coming from? Wow! If that can be hidden, all one can do is surmise from the character of the code that it is a national source (rather than corporate (?) or small-group or personal). If it is surveillance code, aren’t data being sent SOMEWHERE? Where?

    1. Kaspersky doesn’t attribute attacks to specific countries even if they did know. They try to preserve political neutrality. But they honestly told me the origin of the code is unknown at this time.

      I think the problem is that the data is being sent back to the C&C servers. But from there they can’t track where it’s sent. That’s my understanding but I’m not technically proficient in this stuff.

  2. The Kaspersky article mentions they found 92 Command & Control servers associated with miniFlame. The article mentions that miniFlame shares the same C&C server platform with the original Flame architecture. Kaspersky has written two papers on this, footnoted at the bottom of the article Richard cited here. One provides details of the hardware/software platform of the servers, and where (and to whom) they were registered:

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