19 thoughts on “Israeli Intelligence Source Denies Jundallah False Flag Story – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. The “denial” is actually a non-denial, because it is predicated upon this logic:
    1) IF the story is true
    2) THEN Dagan would be persona-non-grata
    3) BUT Dagan was never black-balled
    4) THEREFORE we can dismiss the story.

    The “logic” of that argument hinges entirely upon us accepting that initial assumption as self-evidently true, when we have absolutely no reason to do so.

      1. “Do you even follow yr own logic? ”

        No, it ain’t MY logic.
        It is OREN’s logic.

        “Of course the story is true.”

        And I agree with you.

        What I’m pointing out is that OREN’s argument to the contrary is nonsensical, because it requires us to accept as a self-evident truth an assumption (the USA would blackball Dagan) that is in no way self-evident.

  2. Assuming Perry’s story is correct, what harm was done and how morally culpable was the Mossad?

    Firstly, no harm was actually done to the CIA apparently ( as far as we know).

    Did Mossad put CIA operatives in harm’s way? The CIA put it’s operatives in danger (their trade, really) when the CIA contacted and aided Jundallah starting in 2005.

    So Mossad may have subsequently endangered CIA operatives who’s already had endangered themselves by their prior dealings with Jundallah.

    This is false flag ‘lite’, if that much.

    1. Why in heaven do you think Pres. Bush “went ballistic” when he found out about this little Mossad charade? And the pt is the Mossad nor you get to determine whether they damaged U.S. or CIA credibility. The CIA does that & it’s operatives wouldn’t have told this story unless they were hellacious mad, & they were. False flag operations aren’t kids play. It’s not a game. They do very real damage & cause future real CIA operatives to be placed in danger at the hands of future agents we may be recruiting who may kill them believing them to be frauds. Not to mention Daniel Pearl. Have you forgotten that little episode? Do you think the next American journalist or tourist or CIA agent kidnapped will be believed when he claims he is who he says he is? Or will he be seen as a Mossad agent because that’s what all Mossad agents do, they pretend to be Americans.

      This is the 3rd time you’ve made a very thinly supported claim that has been rebutted by real CIA agents. If you make it again you won’t make any future comments here. One important comment rule is NOT TO REPEAT YOURSELF. Is that clear?

    2. “Assuming Perry’s story is correct,”

      A wise assumption.

      “what harm was done”

      Iran is hoppin’ mad about its civilians being assassinated on the orders of a foreign country.

      Mossad is trying very hard to convince people that this foreign country is “the USA”, when in fact it is “Israel”.

      The “harm” might therefore be that the Iranians start killing American scientists in retaliation for something that the Americans (a) have not done and (b) do not approve of.

      And you’re OK with that, are you?

      “and how morally culpable was the Mossad?”

      Here’s a concept for you to mull over: IF the Mossad is responsible for these acts of terrorism THEN Netanyahu should have the moral courage to stand up and accept full responsibility for them.

      And if he isn’t then you and I should both agree that Bibi is a coward and a scoundrel.

      Fair enough?

      1. If native Iranians are killing these scientists at the behest of Mossad, then the assassins are not likely Baluchi-Iranians (Jundallah) but ethnic Persians, such as MEK.

        Many more people are involved in an assassination of a scientist then the two guys on the Vespa; a few dozen probably and a few dozen Jundallah Baluchis wandering around Teheran would raise some flags (no pun intended).

        To wit: Mossad-CIA-Jundallah connection has nothing to do with these assassinations and Iran knows it.

  3. Perry has been an apologist and shill for Hamas, Fatah, false history, Jew hate for as long as I have hearing his radical chic crappola – maybe I’m even older than him. Like Helen Thomas, he is a revisionist liar -he’s Lebanese too, correct?

    Just maybe CIA spooks and some State factions unhappy with Jews (traditional with State) decided to plant false flag info about the Israelis to take the heat off the CIA/State when and if needed – look when all these “true” memos were posted and look at by whom…… right: blame the Jews – plausible deniability by State/CIA. brilliant – use the “info” when necessary, like lately.

    Perry is as credible as Hamid the Liar.

    This “assassination” of a Basiji chemical engineer/procurement guy (?) is more due to internal power struggles and trying to set off a war for distraction by one faction or another. Maybe even Mousavi or Karroubi – after all , they ALL support the nuclear option, just each one wants the power and the money – maybe even the IRGC – or MEK. Perry is way off and was sucked in on this one – maybe he’s being played as a perfect sap to peddle the misdirection intel.

    Makes a great book, eh?

    1. Your comment is a hopelessly confused mish mash that is embarrassing to behold. Plus Mark Perry Lebanese? Are you drinking or on drugs?

      As for credibility I’m afraid it’s you who have none. I have very little patience for this sort of hot air. So consider yrself warned.

    2. “he’s Lebanese too, correct?”

      Well, I’ve listened to his interview on youtube, and he sounds like a denizen of North America to me.

        1. “I think Dan’s had some bad drugs or something.”

          Well, maybe. Maybe not.

          But someone at Hasbarah Central really should take him aside and quietly point out where his “logic” would take him.

          After all, if he insists that we can blythly dismiss someone merely because of their ethnic/tribal affiliations then that would also instantly disqualify:
          Alan Dershowitz.
          Daniel Pipes.
          Dennis Ross.
          Anyone who works at WINEP.
          Anyone who works at the ADL.
          Anyone who works at AIPAC.

          Precisely because they all have an obvious ethnic/tribal “bias”.

          Personally, I wouldn’t say that their Jewishness automatically disqualifies them from contributing, but under the “Dans-Doctine” I guess we’d have to tell them all “thanks for coming, but no thanks – you’re too biased for our tastes”.

  4. You mean Israel actually represents “ideals”? A state built on the murder of Palestinians villagers, on burning of homes, groves, orchards and villages, plunder of land and ethnic cleansing represents ideals?

    Speaking of murder. Let’s take a look at the fruits of Mossad’s labor in this latest incident, shall we?

    Here we have a father, Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan and his son Alireza:


    And here we have what’s left of Alireza’s father:


    I’m not sure what’s left of him under that sheet: a head, a torso or maybe just a piece of his heart? But even that won’t console the son he leaves behind.

    Israel has created many orphans and grieving parents: Palestinian, Lebanese, Iranian and others.

    Unfortunately, we’ll never get to see their faces or remember them as human beings with families.

    Let go, let go of that fantasy (i.e. ideal) that Israel never was and is still proving never will be.

      1. Dr. Roshan’s baby face notwithstanding, he was part of the Revolutionary Guard’s civilian ‘goon squad’ the Basij, better known for it’s activities in internal security, law enforcement, social services, organizing of public religious ceremonies, and, more notoriously, policing of morals and the suppression of dissident gatherings.

        1. The Basij is a very large complex organization some of whose members of militia thugs. Others of whom may be nuclear scientists, in just the same way that Mossad, Shin Bet or Unit 8200 personnel may be thugs like Doron Zahavi or advanced programmers preparing Stuxnet. There are differences bet. such individuals which should be recognized.

          And if you accept the assassination of Iranian scientists then I’m sure you’d concede that Israeli scientists too should be fair game for Iranian intelligence or any of Iran’s allies. Do you?

    1. Where does this love and compassion for a human being go when suicide bombers kill scores of innocent Israelis. Even those ppl have children, don’t they?

      If everyone start renouncing their ideals (which they believe it to be true) then the world will be ideal not real as it is now.

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