6 thoughts on “Maariv Features Interview on Iran Missile Attack, National Security Issues and Censorship – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. I would like to disagree with this approach. The Middle East is unlike the U.S.A., in the Middle East words kill alot quicker then they do in the U.S.. For a peace activist, criticising Israel residing in the U.S.. Sitting in front of his comfortable recliner. There’s a high level of cynicisim. I’m sure if a murderer was at his pursuit he would have no problem killing him, and would be deeply upset if somebody called him a terrorist. And so his claim on the matter with the Mosad being involved with the bomb blast in Iran on Saturday is highly disputable too. The Debka site which gets things usually right, and would be the first to know if the Mosad was involved. Totally denied such a reality, it’s not for nothing almost no ambulances were allowed into the area either. And so Debkas claim that such facts are simply not possible, due to the circumstances are way more reliable. But a Peace Activist with an agenda will know better?? Because his agenda is alive and well. Claim you know everything, and always get things right. But most people will see right through your agenda!

    1. The Debka site which gets things usually right, and would be the first to know if the Mosad was involved.

      Thanks for giving me the laugh of the night!

      most people will see right through your agenda!

      Right back at ya, sister!

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