4 thoughts on “Border Police Officer Who Pulled Trigger Saying ‘Death to Arabs’ Sentenced – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. “…in most other legal systems she would’ve (been) charged with attempted murder and received a much stiffer sentence…” Can you point to any other legal system that with these facts would have charged her with and convicted her of “attempted murder?” (It is not enough to charge someone with a crime, they must also be convicted of it before a sentence is imposed.)

    In the United States, at least, someone cannot be convicted of “attempted murder” unless the prosecution proves beyond a reasonable shadow of doubt that though the accused failed at it, they did what they did with the intention of murdering another person. It is self-evidently inconsistent, indeed contradictory to say that what took place was a “mock execution” AND it could have served as the basis for a charge of attempted murder.

    1. In the United States, at least, someone cannot be convicted of “attempted murder” unless the prosecution proves beyond a reasonable shadow of doubt that though the accused failed at it, they did what they did with the intention of murdering another person.

      In the U.S. & other western legal systems people have been charged with attempted murder for far less reason than Sivilya. There is a difference bet. charging someone & convicting them. I’d have been satisfied with just charging her w attempted murder. I have little doubt that if she thought she could’ve gotten away with it she’d have killed the boy in a heartbeat. The hatred oozing fr her Facebook messages suffices to show that.

      She had a gun pressed against the boy’s temple, she cocked the trigger, she fired it. That’s attempted murder plain & simple. The fact that she didn’t have a bullet in the chamber is mere luck on the part of the victim.

      1. ‘She had a gun pressed against the boy’s temple, she cocked the trigger, she fired it. That’s attempted murder plain & simple. The fact that she didn’t have a bullet in the chamber is mere luck on the part of the victim.’

        Yeah sure, or maybe, She took out the bullets and she knew it was empty and she just scared him? Nothing more, nothing less a prank.

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