Anyone notice the coincidence of the IDF deciding to kill Islamic Jihad’s chief rocket maker and three other militants on the same day that the national J14 social justice movement held its first major protest rally in two months? The Israeli killings led to massive retaliatory rocket fire from Gaza that killed one Israeli and injured several others. One report says 10 were killed on both sides. At least one rocket reached as far as a suburb of Tel Aviv. The fact that these two events occurred on the same day was entirely an accident I’m sure as neither the IDF nor Bibi Netanyahu would be so cynical as to try to suck the wind out of the sails of the government’s chief critics on their day of glory.
The Tel Aviv protest and several others in other cities brought out 25,000 to resume the call for economic justice and helping the poor and disadvantaged. The turnout was a marked decline from earlier events because the leader of the national student union has deserted the ranks and taken his followers with him.
In describing the tit for tat attacks on both Gaza and Israel, the NY Times Isabel Kershner continues spewing the lies of the IDF claiming the Eilat terror attacks originated in Gaza and were authored by the Popular Resistance Committees. Yediot’s Alex Fishman has for weeks exposed the IDF’s lies offered for public consumption and even revealed a secret IDF report which admits the attack originated in Sinai and was perpetrated by militants there with no connections to Gaza or the PRC. Either Isabel Kershner doesn’t read the Hebrew press and hence isn’t doing her job, or else she’s continuing to spew lies long disproven by the Israeli media. Either way, this further confirms the shoddy journalism emanating from Eytan Bronners NYT Israel bureau.
So the Grad rocket that hit Ashdod on Thursday, the first rocket attack from Gaza since the prisoner exchange, that was also part of the plan to derail #J14?
C’mon pea.
The ever duplicitous Mossad has their provocateurs in Gaza who launch rockets at Israel.
Conspiracy theory. The darling of impotent fools.
The sarcasm here is too thick to make sense of. Can someone translate these remarks?
Translation for those on whom sarcasm is lost:
The gazans fired first on Thursday, the Israeli bombing was retaliation and nothing to do with j14
Translation minus hasbara: The Gazans fired into an empty field on Thurs. Israel murdered them & all their colleagues on Saturday. Their buddies killed an Israeli in retaliation later the same day & Israel killed even more for good measure.
The fact that the first missile from Gaza hit a field is pure chance, as was the murder of a civilian by a later missile, the missiles are fired in the general direction and then it depends whether Allah or Yahweh is more awake to answer prayers.
In any case nothing to do with j14, just the regular I-P conflict
The fact that 99.5% of rockets from Gaza hit open fields & do little or no damage is not pure chance. It’s given since it’s something launching a slingshot into the air. The murder of the civilian was of course close to pure chance since about 1 in 999 of the missiles hit open fields. Praying to God or Allah that yr missile hits someone isn’t much better than pure chance. The original missile which hit the open field had nothing to do with J14, but the liquidation of the Islamic Jihad leader & his cell was a very convenient way to divert attention & suppress attendance at J14. The Beersheva rally was cancelled entirely.
The terrorists who were killed were preparing to launch another rocket into Israel and were taken out. Richard believes that since the rocket fire isn’t accurate, Israel shouldn’t act to defend its citizens, but rather sit there and pray that the rockets don’t hit anyone.
The thought that the army is somehow involved in the liquidation of the protests is pure fantasy.
Nope. They were killed by IDF admission in a training ground. Not ready to launch another rocket. But regardless, the IDF knew that killing these guys would bring retaliation & that’s what happened. Hence, Israel provoked the current round of mayhem.
As for fantasy, the notion that the IDF undertakes missions with no correlation to politics and with no other purpose than a military one is disproven time & again by the IDF’s operational history.
Using the same logic – Islamic Jihad knew that firing that rocket against Ashdod would result in a response – hence they they started this round of violence.
But regardless of this. What do you suggest Israel do against these attacks? When Islamic Jihad fires missiles at Israeli towns – what should Israel do to defend its civilians against such attacks?
It should agree to return to 67 borders, share Jerusalem, negotiate a mutually acceptable resolution of the Right of Return question & solve the conflict. The easiest way to end all Palestinian attacks on Israel.
I’ll play along, assuming that such an agreement will automatically bring an end to all hostilities and will neutralize radical elements in the Palestinian society such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad –
Do you think that as long as peace does not exist – Israel should stand back and allow its cities be targeted by rockets? Should it not respond to terror attacks such as the the Fogel family massacre, or attempted suicide bombings or rocket attacks?
In your opinion, when Islamic Jihad or Hamas fire rockets into Israeli towns – what should be the *immediate* response to such attacks, if any?
I don’t concede that peace could not exist next week or next month–and that it should. So asking me what I would do if Israel continued to refuse to make peace & the rockets continued to fall is a non-starter.
You haven’t asked me this but, if Israel & Palestine signed a peace treaty and Palestinian militants continued attacking Israel I’d be in favor of severe punishment for such acts either meted out by Israel or the Palestinians themselves. The same would hold true of Israeli acts of violence against Palestinians in those circumstances.
Unfortunately, I don’t share your optimism that peace can be reached with weeks. Also, using violence against civilians to “force” peace upon the other side will not help bring a mutual trust between the sides. Also, peace with the PLO will not bring peace with Hamas or Islamic Jihad. Those two are considered terrorist organizations which will not agree to a compromise. So even if we do attain peace with Abu-Mazen, hostilities with Hamas will continue – because their ideology is based on the rejection of any Jewish right to exist peacefully in the region.
Also, even without peace, don’t you think Israeli civilians, just like Palestinians, are entitled to live securely, without being threatened with rocket fire or bombings? Or do you believe that as long as there’s no “justice” in the region, Israeli civilians should suffer?
Israel doesn’t need provocation to attack Gaza as the Eilat terror attack proves. It simply made up a false claim of PRC complicity & then attacked.
“The murder of the civilian was of course close to pure chance”
Sounds very much like collateral damage… a charge you always refuse to accept when its Israel that does the shooting.
Palestinian militants try to kill and largely fail. The IDF doesn’t try to kill. It kill and does so largely accurately and devastatingly. The IDF is far more dangerous than Islamic Jihad.
Richard. You walk one hundred paces out in a field, and I’m going to keep firing my pistol at you all day. How many minutes/seconds before you call the game off?
Even hinting at doing any physical harm to me is cause for immediate banning. You’re gone.
Well, I don’t think that by saying “Richard. You walk one hundred paces out in a field, and I’m going to keep firing my pistol at you all day. How many minutes/seconds before you call the game off?” Joel hint at doing any physical harm to you. He just tried (probably not good enough) to explain how Southern area Israeli citizen lives regulary. It was connected to you outragous comment “Translation minus hasbara: The Gazans fired into an empty field on Thurs. Israel murdered them & all their colleagues on Saturday. Their buddies killed an Israeli in retaliation later the same day & Israel killed even more for good measure.” so maybe banning him was hasty action.
I understand from your above-mentioned comment that it’s alright for Israeli children to live under these circumstances (if the rocket was fallen in empty field it’s ok). Well, It’s not!!
And I think you should call those so-called “militants” by their real names – Terrorists who intended to shoot rockets into Israeli cities. Maybe the Israeli army should listen to your self-righteous comments and let the Israeli children and citizens to live like that and not attack them. I don’t think so.
It was wednesday’s night when a rocket hit Yavne. Then in Ashdaod.
Hey, who cares about the truth?
The people firing the rockets from Gaza are also against the J14 demonstrations – or anything Tahrir-like. The last thing they want is peaceful democracy. They, like Netanyahu’s government, want a world of black and white where problems are solved by fighting “the enemy”…
Militants firing rockets fr Gaza don’t give a crap about J14. They’re not for it or against it. They’re for Palestinian rights & against Occupation.Islamic Jihad is far less dangerous than Bibi Netanyahu.
“Islamic Jihad is far less dangerous than Bibi Netanyahu.” – You’ve lost it, my friend. You’re making a mockery of yourself.
Silverstein. Philip Weiss. Max Blumenthal.
None of these guys knows what it means to get up every day and grind out a living.
None of them live with the prospects of losing a job and being unable to provide for their families.
None have had to stand alone and make weighty command decisions that substantially effect, or deny, people’s lives.
They appear to me as insecure, self-absorbed and adolescent.
Men, in name only, who’ve never stared into the abyss.
Publication of the Islamic Jihad: “we sieged Israel’s cities by our rockets. More than 1 million Israelis hide in the shelters like rats.” Yep, you right. It’s all about rights and occupation.
It certainly is. YOu end the Occupation & give them national rights & they end the rockets. YOu don’t, they don’t. Simple as that.
I wish you weren’t so naive. What is the occupation – 48 or 67 lines? one way or another the goals of the Islamic Jihad is not to end the so-called occupation… you should read their and Hamas’ charter.
COmment rule violation. Read them or you may have yr comment privileges restricted.
No cease fire: a rocket just landed in Ashkelon. It’s all about Israeli provocations. http://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-4142010,00.html
I hope that your’e not sleeping as the children of Be’er Sheva, Sderot and Ashkelon. You know, something about retaliation of the IDF…