Tonight we’ll view the sick, twisted and sociopathic mind of Israel’s farthest right-wing settlers. These are the ones from Aish Kodesh (ironically named “Holy Fire”) who brutally assaulted the 61 year-old A. whom I profiled in a post earlier today, breaking his fingers, ribs and stealing several thousands dollars worth of personal property. A. has filed a police complaint and demanded they investigate the crimes. Not that this will matter much regarding the outcome, which is always virtually the same: nothing happens.
Now, we see in the far-right nationalist Israeli media, the settler counter-attack against the peace activists, whose real crime was joining with Palestinian farmers to harvest their olive trees. The charge levelled by the settlers is that the protesters are “anarchists” who are really spies on behalf of Palestinian terrorists, whose plan is to commit a terror attack against Aish Kodesh like the murders of the Fogel family committed in Itamar. I kid you not. The chutzpah of these jackals is unbelievable. In fact, chutzpah doesn’t begin to do this justice. It’s really very smart psychopathology, which of course is rewarded by the State when it refuses to hold them accountable for their brutish behavior.
The chief sociopath in today’s little drama is Yehuda Hendler, general secretary (or CEO) of the settlement. He shreis that “hundreds” of radical extremists came to the settlement without any coordination with the IDF. The event constituted a serious “danger to human life” (his, not the demonstrators’ of course):
They [the Israelis] come together with the terrorists [the Palestinian farmers!] to seek intelligence before a terror attack. We know today that two of the murderers of the Fogels joined the olive harvest in order to learn how best to penetrate the settlement [defenses].
…They [Combatants for Peace] believe that such a slaughter [at Itamar] is a just act. Now such people accompany the terrorists to other settlements in order to aid in perpetrating future terror attacks. The claims that they came to harvest olives are lies. They harvested from aged, sick trees and after three hours left with a few bushels at best.
We hope the IDF will respond to them in a more aggressive manner in future. We believe the army doesn’t react sufficiently aggressively to such provocations and that such future visits must be blocked.
For those who read Hebrew, you’ll note the article makes absolutely no reference to the massive level of violence used by the settler thugs. And of course everything Hendler says is an abject lie. Everything. Not a grain or word of truth in any of it. This is the Big Lie made famous by Goebbels. People don’t believe little lies. But make you lie big enough, outrageous enough, and people will begin to believe it. At least in this case, some Israelis will.
These Judeonazis are a poison in the Israeli body politic. Israel must know that if you don’t fight an infection it will eventually turn on you and overwhelm you. The settlers and their impact on greater Israeli society remind me a bit of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. An Israel which doesn’t fight back aggressively risks being taken over by the pod people. Soon enough every Israeli will be talking like Yehuda Hendler. Even those who don’t and retain a moderate political perspective will be decoys offered by the pod people to make the world believe they really are reasonable, moderate people.
Strange that the murder of the Fogel family is mentioned rather than the murder of the Oshrenko family – not!
These crimes go unpunished by the state, since they are silently supported by it’s goverment. Just as in the early 20’s century in Russia, where the so called “popular” pogroms against the jews were actually funded and supported by the Czar, and just like the KKK was actually the military front of the democratic party( although it allegedly condemned it’s actions), so does Israel’s regime support these violent actions.
Day after day after day, in Anatot, in Yitzhar, and today in Ash Kodesh, we see this jewish terorrism, and nobody does nothing. If something of a sort was done by one palastinian, be sure that he was executed without trial, what will be called later a “targeted clearance” (sikul memukad).
Yeshaiyahu Leibowich had prediced this long ago, and, in his well known lack of shame, fear and tact, said a civil war is inevitable. I used to think he exaggerates, I guess I was wrong. When the regime starts to have it’s private armed militia, the laws become those of the wild west, and 60 years old people, along with small children, are brutally beaten and murdred, what else is left of what used to be a democracy?
It’s a trait of that kind of sociopathology, this uncanny ability to turn the world upside down. Largely in the name of G-d, I believe.
It’s a damning conclusion that an endless string of Israeli governments, the next one usually more to the right than the previous one, have allowed, nay encouraged, such situations to become an ever increasing, almost daily occurrence. Surely this must create a better Israel?
Who can still honestly believe that Israel doesn’t have ‘plans’ for the entire WB, when such behaviour is tolerated?
we are past the time when it is sufficient to whine and whine and whine and call these jewish terrorists “judeonazis”. Silverstein, i don’t trust our blog any more. it reminds me of lenin saying “when the resistance is here, we will be leading it.” Why don’t you show some guts, get off the fence, denounce zionism and start talking about the plague the zionist terrorist state israel wrought on humanity and the middle east? Why don’t you start talking about “The PALOCAUST” the Palestinian Holocaust?
REMEMBER …, …, …
The Eradication of 6000 Palestinian Villages
The Dispersion and Elimination of their Inhabitants
until then, i cannot trust your repeated-as-a-broken-record whining. Get Off The Fence! It Doesn’t Work Anymore.
Did you all of a sudden become my blog partner & you don’t even trust “our” blog? Does that make you a self-hating blogger??
You’ve violated about 6 major comment rules. Future comments will be moderated if you publish any.
i apologize for the misprint. this is definitely your blog and yours alone. what i meant and should have been clear enough from the overall context of my message is that “i don’t trust your blog anymore,” i.e., the “y” in the word “your” was inadvertently omitted in the typing.
please don’t prove me correct by completely evading the core issues that i raised, by being overly superficial and glib in your answer and by insulting me and calling me a “self-hating blogger”: is a “self-hating blogger” perhaps somewhat like a “self-hating semite?”
you also level accusations that you do not support: let everybody on your blog know specifically which “6 major comment rules” you accuse me of violating.
and being on the subject: why not publish your blog’s comment rules in-toto instead of making them up as you go.
if you don’t show respect, you are not owed respect. this is the second time that you insult me on your blog. don’t make it a habit @Richard. f you want to moderate me or ban me, at least be brave and don’t do it in secret.
The comment rules are clearly linked in the blog sidebar. I took quite some time devising them & certainly don’t make them up as I go along. The term “self hating blogger” was meant as a joke which you somehow missed.
your comment “gag” rules stifle honest discussion. you don’t even notice when you yourself don’t follow your own rules.
you write “These Judeonazis are a poison in the Israeli body politic.” whom you call “judeonazis” would have been better called by what the speaker of the israeli knesset called them: “jewish terrorists”. or is this perhaps against your comment rules to speak of “jewish terrorism”? why not then ban Reuven Rivlin too?
quote follows:
Reuven Rivlin, speaker of the Israeli Knesset, or parliament, and a longtime member of Netanyahu’s Likud party, had planned to address the price-tag attacks in a speech Wednesday in Rabin’s memory. Tuesday’s events prompted him to release his comments to the media in advance.
“This is not a ‘price’ or a ‘tag,’ this is terror,” he wrote. “These villainous criminals who harmed houses of prayer, fields, homes and property belonging to Palestinians, are Jewish, and this is Jewish terrorism that should be called nothing less.”