17 thoughts on “Israel Announces Ten Year Ban on Hope – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. May I suggest the word “democracy”–for both countries…and for Purim a fun new custom for the rest of us where we drink ourselves silly BECAUSE we can’t tell the difference between the State of Israel and the Pits of Hell.

      1. I really think we should start promoting the Hebrew word ‘Hafradah’.
        Hasbaristas always say that the Israeli situation has nothing to do with Apartheid, pointing out that Israeli Palestinians have the right to vote etc.

        I’m sure Hafradah has a long future and an inner life of its own. Contrary to Apartheid, it will leave an impression of supremacism based on religion more than skin color once it has been definitively dismantled.
        Amandla !

        1. @Deïr Yassin,
          You are the one I trust most on this blog, Richard included.
          Please give me more words like ‘Hafradah’. I am looking it up in the dictionary and thesaurus. Thanks.

          1. Richard included.

            Uh-oh. If Deir Yassin starts blogging herself she might take Kalaam with her! The horror!

            Hafradah means “separation” as in “apartheid.” In Hebrew political parlance, though it usually has a slightly diff meaning connoting the separation that would happen by creating two separate states or the separation that happens as a result of the Separation Wall. It usually isn’t used to connote apartheid within Israel. But Hebrew speakers can correct me if I’m wrong. That doesn’t mean that it can’t or shouldn’t be used in that context.

          2. @ ya kalaam
            Barakalawfîk, but I’m really not the one to ask for a Hebrew vocabulary. I only know things such as ‘Hasbara’, ‘chutzpah’, ‘maavet aravim’, ‘goyim’, ‘Eretz Israel’, ‘aliyah’, ‘olim’. My favorite word, though, is ‘yordim’ 🙂

  2. Kalea, you bring nothing of value to the Arab Israeli peace intiative.

    You only have bile and bitterness to spew. I can’t say what I want to say to you, for Richard will censor it.

    1. Lol! This says a whole lot about your own “noble” intentions vis a vis the fate of the Palestinians.

      If the truth offends you…GOOD. It means I’m right on track.

      You may not like what I write but I suggest you get used to it because people everywhere are waking up to Israel’s game.

      Isn’t the Internet just priceless? Israel may have nukes and an army of hasbara disseminating its lies, but it’s no match for the speed that truth can travel through the web! I feel empowered in spite of you and your lame ad hom.

  3. Kalea,

    The truth doesn’t offend, but your offensive style and ignorance does. If you can’t offer solutions, and only come here to vomit your poison and bile, then put up or shut up.

    I suggest you get used to it because people everywhere are waking up to Israel’s game.

    Surely you’re flattering yourself. It’s you that needs waking up, judging from your blaming EAst Europe and Russia for creating problems which are 100% American, and casting diversion from the role that AMerica plays in this conflict, it’s clear who needs waking up, but hey like the typical hypocricital American Anti Zionist, you can’t face facts, and that’s because you’re American. Where do you get the audacity to suggest that we should not blame the USA because you were against the wars, yet you blame Israel as a country for all it’s sins. If you want to blame one country for the sins of it’s occupation, nukes, disseminating lies, then no country qualifies better than the USA. It’s killed more than the Israeli’s is occupying Iraq, Afghanistan and how many other countries in the world. So you conveniently find fault with east europe and Russia, and Israel, again PUT UP OR SHUT UP.
    Lol! This says a whole lot about your own “noble” intentions vis a vis the fate of the Palestinians.

    Oh please…do not for a minute think the Palestinians would welcome a hate filled shrill like you advocating for them. How many times have they themselves had to refute suggestions of “apartheid” from so called “noble” voices like yours.

    As for the rest of your post it’s projection. Neither Hasbara is illegal nor pro Palestinian advocacy. I wasn’t objecting to either, nor are you doing either. Your stupid ignorant spite filled comments was what I was talking about.

    No offence meant, sorry if I came down too hard 🙂

    1. “No offence meant, sorry if I came down too hard :)”

      >Really? You could have fooled me!

      “So you conveniently find fault with east europe and Russia, and Israel”

      >No, I have a problem with Israel and people who immigrated from the other 2 places to the occupied West Bank intending to steal Palestinian land (and moving into Palestinian homes) and claiming they have more right to it than Palestinians. I never said I had a problem with Russia and Eastern bloc countries.

      You can’t even paraphrase what I wrote accurately.

    2. @ Chayma
      “How many times have they themselves had to refute suggestions of “apartheid” from so-called “noble” voices like yours” you say to Kalea about the Palestinians.

      I would like a link to some serious stuff where Palestinians refute the state of Apartheid on both sides of the Green Line.
      It’s not because Israeli Palestinians have the right to vote, go to the same universities as Israeli Jews, work together (eventually, and the Palestinians mostly occupying the lower jobs) that there is not a state of Apartheid. Please some Palestinian sources and not your own projections on how the Palestinians think.

      Here’s an ‘opinion’ from an Israeli on the subject:

    3. If you want to blame one country for the sins of it’s occupation, nukes, disseminating lies, then no country qualifies better than the USA.

      This is WAY off topic. Do NOT stray. U.S. foreign policy generally is NOT the topic of this blog (unless specifically devoted to the I-P conflict) or this post.

      And can we tone this down a bit. I don’t especially like the tone either of you are taking w. ea. other.

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