5 thoughts on “U.S. Non-Profit, Central Fund of Israel Supports Settler Reign of Terror – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. How can anyone oppose the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza? It already happened. We’re out. Opposing it would be like opposing or supporting the Berlin Wall.

    As for your comment about who supports whom and when it’s OK, you gloss over the fact that Central Fund (I’ve never heard of them) solicit from individuals, while most self-annointed peace-NGOs solicit funds from governments. It’s not a hard distinction to make. As a matter of fact, I expect the laws of the USA make the same distinction. An individual may donate to the campaign of an American politician; a foreign government most certainly can’t.

    Come to think of it, I think I’ve read that even private individuals may not donate to American campaign funds unless they’re US citizens.

    As for the rest of your post, you yourself admit it’s only speculation. You have no facts.

    1. Central Fund (I’ve never heard of them) solicit from individuals, while most self-annointed peace-NGOs solicit funds from governments. It’s not a hard distinction to make

      The Central Fund solicits from individuals, foundations & organizations. Israeli NGOs solicit from individuals, foundations, organizations and governments. Under U.S. law it is illegal to donate to causes that promote terrorism. Period. The Central Fund’s financial support is used to aid & abet an enterprise that is illegal under international law and opposed by U.S. policy. Many of those settlements and individual settlers which Central Fund supports hold views that are violently racist and some have acted out their views through mass murder. I’d think that should be sufficient grounds to define these donations as, at the least, no longer falling within the tax exempt statute.

      There are plenty of facts in my post which you’ve overlooked. The only pt which I conceded wasn’t yet proven was whether the Judean mass murderers received any direct assistance from any of these tax exempt U.S. non profits.

  2. You write: “Many of those settlements and individual settlers which Central Fund supports hold views that are violently racist and some have acted out their views through mass murder.”

    If the CFI supported the Arab residents in those same areas, would that be okay? Even though statistically their population is much more racist and have acted out their views on mass murder?

    Of course, though, your “fact” there is wrong. And how many “Judean mass murderers” – plural – were there?

    1. statistically their population is much more racist and have acted out their views on mass murder

      Thanks for that fake statistical science. How do you propose to measure “statistically” which population is more racist? I say let’s examine the relations between settlements and their surrounding W. Bank villages and we’ll discover statistically who has acted more murderously, who has killed and maimed more, the settlers of Palestinian villagers. You & I both know the answer. Palestinian villagers living near settlements almost never engage in violence even when provoked. THey are unarmed while settlers are always armed in their confrontations.

      Baruch Goldstein, Eden Natan Zada, Asher Weissgan, Jack Teitel & those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. There are many others but going through old newspaper articles would take a while.

      And do pls. suggest to CFI that it support Palestinian residents of the Territories. That idea would go over big!

  3. The terrorist activities of the crazed scum that dwells among the settler population have been amply documented.

    It is a scandal that subsidizing this Ku Klux Klan puts one in line for a tax deduction.

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