Bibi Netanyahu is in Egypt meeting with Hosni Mubarak. There are myriad subjects they may be talking about including a possible imminent release of Gilad Shalit (though such imminent releases have been trumpeted scores of times before). He may also be attempting to gin up support in the anti-Iranian Arab world for his new regime of punishing Iranian sanctions. Or maybe he’s trying to explain to the Egyptian leader why he can’t possibly stop settlement construction on stolen (er, appropriated) Palestinian land.
The cartoon satirizes Bibi’s announcement that he won’t endorse a settlement freeze until he can complete 2,500 units under construction and 400 units for which work hasn’t even begun. I’m sure Hosni will give him a warm hug when he hears what Bibi has to say on that matter.
In the cartoon, he’s wearing the hardhat of a construction worker taking a break from building all those new settlement units. To make the cartoon even more effective there should have been an uncompleted settlement in the background and perhaps a dark-complexioned Palestinian laborer bringing him the mortar in his lap (in a bitter irony, Palestinians provide much of the labor for the new settlements).
H/t to Sol Salbe.