Yesterday, I wrote a post about an insidious ad campaign for an Israeli program, Masa, that brings Diaspora youth to Israel for 6-12 month visits designed to bolster their Zionist identity. I can’t believe that I missed perhaps the most egregious aspect of this $800,000 promotion: that it actually asks Israelis to report the name and contact information for Diaspora youth allegedly in danger of assimilating by dating or marrying non-Jews:
The campaign, which launched on Wednesday, urges Israelis to report the particulars of acquaintances living abroad so that these people, who are “in danger” of marrying non-Jews, can be persuaded to come to Israel…
About 100 of the callers reported unmarried Jews aged 18-30 living in France, the United States and New Zealand. Callers also left their acquaintances’ Facebook and Twitter names as well as email addresses so that MASA people could contact them.
In Judaism, there is a very strong taboo connected with informing on one’s fellow Jews to the authorities. But apparently, Masa believes there’s no harm in turning in one’s children and other young people for such an admirable cause as Zionist re-education.
Haaretz’s story today also reveals serious opposition developing to the project. Let the opposition begin here.
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MY COMMENT: How much bounty are they paying? If they are paying a decent bounty, I imagine ACORN will be glad to help!
“In Judaism, there is a very strong taboo connected with informing on one’s fellow Jews to the authorities.”
This statement just borders dementia.
You’re an illerate when it comes to Jewish history. Are you aware of what happened to Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi and his 18th century followers when Mitnagdim informed on them to the authorities causing the Rebbe to be imprisoned? This is a very strong Jewish tradition. For you not to be aware of this indicates your boorishness & ignorance.
The next time you use the term “dementia” in connection with me you’ll be banned so fast yr head will spin.
I agree with the sentiment in this article. People of half Jewish descent should never feel austricized. I can see how it has affected a cousin, even with a Jewish mother! People with Jewish heritage should feel embraced by the Jewish people, not shunned or inferior, or ashamed of their non-Jewish heritage.