Rep. Eric Cantor, who has the distinction of being the last Jew left in the Republican Party–er, Congress–is leading an Aipac-hosted junket** to Israel accompanied by 25 other dutiful Republicans paying obeisance to the Lobby. They’re touting this as the largest Congressional delegation ever to visit Israel. Republican pliability when it comes to Israel is meant to contrast with the continuing tension between the Bibi government and the Obama administration. Bibi is only too happy to roll out the red carpet for Israel’s water carriers in Congress, while he strikes tough guy poses toward Obama. Haaretz too rolled out the red carpet giving Cantor prime editorial real estate to propound his Likudist approach to the Israeli-Arab conflict.
This explains the expulsion of two East Jerusalem Palestinian families who’ve lived in their homes for 56 years only to be thrown on the street by the Israeli police under orders from Jerusalem’s rightist mayor, who wishes to make Arab East Jerusalem safe for Bibilical theme parks funded by Irving Moskowitz and his henchmen. The Bibi-Barkat plan seems to entail that certain key areas to be made Palestinian-rein. Maybe after they achieve this goal they’ll create a Museum of the Palestinian as a memorial to everything they’ve destroyed. I seem to recall an earlier tyrant in European history who planned to create such a monument to Jewish history and culture once he achieved his own diabolical ends.
Not that Bibi-Barkat seeks to exterminate Palestinians as that other mass murderer did. No, the Israeli rightists only plan to make the Palestinians disappear whereever they stand in the way of plans to establish Jewish dominance in greater Jerusalem. Not to mention poking a finger in the eye of a troublesome U.S. president who actually demands–gasp!–that Israel honor international law, the Road Map, and previously declared U.S. policy concerning a settlement freeze.
The great tormentors of the Jews too must’ve had their ministers and masterminds who devised their evil plans. So too do Israeli leaders have Moskowitz, the evil genius of the settler movement. Mussolini made the trains run on time. Eichmann ensured that they were filled with Jews on their way to death. Moskowitz is not as great an evil genius. He merely provides the funding and the wherewithal for the movement to eradicate Palestinians from East Jerusalem.
Bitter, yes. Cynical, maybe. But is it not justified. Look at this video and tell me, even if you’re pro-Israel, that you don’t have a twinge of conscience about this expulsion.
Speaking of expulsion, this is the season of Tisha B’Av, the day of mourning commemorating the destruction of the Holy Temple and the exile of Jews from their land. We Jews seem to have forgotten in the midst of our own mourning, the suffering we are imposing on the Palestinian people. For people of Moskowitz’s ilk, there is one true suffering–Jewish suffering. As for Palestinians, they do not suffer. Or if they do, it’s their own fault. If they’d just cooperate with our aims and leave peaceably, there wouldn’t need to be any of this foolishness of forced expulsion.
**”Cantor and Hoyer’s trips will reportedly be underwritten by the American Israel Education Foundation, a charitable organization affiliated with the powerful American Israel Public Affairs Committee.”
—Agence France Press