12 thoughts on “IDF Gaza Mementos of Hate – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. The combination of ethnic hatred, as expressed in the graffiti, t-shirts, etc., and large scale death and destruction is reminiscent of events in the former Yuglosavia. The Israeli cover-ups and excuses for war crimes also bring to mind a lot of the Serbian rhetoric at the time. There has been much talk over the years of the “balkanisation” of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but I think that “Cast Lead” has brought us the closest we’ve ever been – not in the usual geopolitical sense of the term, but on a much deeper level.

  2. Eva Bartlett, who was in Gaza before, during, and after the Hannukah Massacre, has plenty of photo documents at:

    I urge you to copy and spread her photos -they are first hand evidence of Israeli war crimes in this ‘campaign’.

  3. Slightly off-topic, but the Palestinian Center for Human Rights is bothered by the Israeli attempts at downplaying the civilian death toll–


    I browsed their website and was pleased to see they also have reports critical of Palestinian-on-Palestinian violations on human rights. And they are opposed to the death penalty. In short, they seem like the sort of group that the NYT would regard as having a great deal of credibility when set against a military which denies committing atrocities, if this were in any other part of the world.

    1. The PCHR is an excellent organisation. I believe their main focus is actually Human Rights within Palestine, particularly as regards the PA and, presumably, the Hamas administration in Gaza. I read their annual report for the preceding year when I was there and was very impressed. It’s coverage was comprehensive and objective.

  4. hello richard,

    so i guess all those blood libelists are left with a bunch of rumors and some grafitti on the wall…at the end of the day that is all you have…just like all those hundreds and thousands “massacred” in Jenin.

    a word on myself before going on.

    i left a few comments in the past on your blog but was dismissed as a “know nothing”…i think i know a little bit becasue i…live in israel. i am not Israeli or Jewish (well, actually, i am a convert)…i am a good old white boy, originally from Duluth Minnesota (Swedish-German stock).. no, i am not a born again…my connection to israel comes from my beautiful israeli wife whom i have been living here for the past 8 years (met in college).

    i serve in miluim and In the recent op in gaza i was right in the middle of everything…i would be happy to challenge any arm chair genius living in the washington wilderness…sorry, richard, i had to shoot that arrow…

    as i said i was right in hte middle of everything, i never commited any war crimes, nor do i know anybody around whom did…there were no order to kill for fun, no mass excutions..there was a real fight for our lives there, and it ain’t easy trying fighting terrorists who use civilians as cover..and that was exactly what we were facing…

    you claim to know israel well, and that you read the israeli media…you know how hard it is to keep a secret in israel…


    1. those blood libelists are left with a bunch of rumors

      Well, yes if you consider 1,400 corpses to be the equivalent of “rumors” and “graffiti.”

      at the end of the day that is all you have

      See above.

      no, i am not a born again

      Certainly, you are. You’re a born again pro-Israel true believer.

      sorry, richard, i had to shoot that arrow

      Instead of “arrow,” don’t you mean cluster bomb, or D.I.M.E. munition, or white phosphorus shell?

      i never commited any war crimes, nor do i know anybody around whom did…there were no order to kill for fun

      I don’t consider you a trustworthy or reliable source given your interest in covering up the well-documented incidents of cold-blooded murder in Gaza.

      there was a real fight for our lives there

      Oh, pls. do tell. What fight was there considering that Hamas evaporated and most units were bored out of their minds?

      fighting terrorists who use civilians as cover

      The stupid “human shields” claim. We can’t seem to drive a stake through the heart of that lie. So tell us about the terrorists who used civilians as cover. Give examples & provide evidence to document yr claim.

  5. wasn’t pretending to be balanced or nuetral…certainly i ain’t.

    i ain’t gonna get into counter claims, which, i have to say this seem ot be more and more driven by hate…

    i have been reading your blog, for some time now and noticed that you and your rehetoric have been taking a a nose dive in your criticism of israel and are on a slippery slope becoming “finkelsteinzed” (nazi like, satanic, mudurous, evil), although you are not there yet..

    one more thing, you say “”Certainly, you are. You’re a born again pro-Israel true believer:…i though you were “pro-israeli”…sounds like an accusation.

    with love,


    1. wasn’t pretending to be balanced or nuetral…certainly i ain’t.

      You ain’t spellin’ too good [sic] either.

      i ain’t gonna get into counter claims

      Which is your way of saying that you refuse to support any of your claims that Hamas fighters used human shields in fighting you or that you faced a fight to the death in Gaza. Nice. I think you’re turning tail and running as you Israeli rightists claim that Hamas did during the Gaza fighting.

      i have been reading your blog, for some time now and noticed that you and your rehetoric have been taking a a nose dive in your criticism of israel and are on a slippery slope

      Coming from you with your stellar intellectual and rhetorical standards, I’m simply crestfallen to hear your low opinion of me. BTW, I love that unintentionally comic metaphor…I’m taking a “nose dive” down that “slippery slope”…

      “finkelsteinzed” (nazi like, satanic, mudurous, evil), although you are not there yet

      Not yet pure evil? I’m so sorry to disappoint you. But I promise I’ll work hard to earn your four star BAD rating in future.

      born again pro-Israel true believer:…i though you were “pro-israeli”

      I think most of us understand the diff. bet. being “pro-Israel” as I am, and being a “born again pro Israel true believer,” which I’m not.

  6. I just read a piece at Yesh G’vul. It gives quite a good feel for the IDF which tallies with my own experience of them. A (very) few good men and a huge bulk who really just don’t give a damn but who can be induced to acquiesce or partake in thuggery by a substantial group of out and out racists whose mission is to make the lives of Palestinians as miserable as possible. The IDF’s problem is the complete lack of restraint it exercises on its soldiers, particularly as regards this last group. Nothing could better illustrate the effective encouragement it gives them to commit abuses than the peremptory dismissal of the complaints about IDF conduct during the recent Gaza atrocities. No proper inquiry could be conducted that quickly.

    Matt Linquist, I don’t know who you are trying to convince, but you are clearly deceiving yourself.

  7. Matt Linquist sounds like he is living far too deep in the fog of war and can’t see the truth through it. A good and faithful “brother in arms”: See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

  8. Linquist, I don’t think your personal experience is any sort of indication on the whole.

    Hence why we have HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS. You know, they check the ENTIRE record as opposed to the personal experience of one guy.

    Israeli soldiers regularly commit atrocities. During Occupation and during war.

    We can look at plenty of IDF operations to see that. Compare the Lebanon 2006 War in which 1000 civilians died to this one.

    The 2006 war is all done and we can now reflect on it w/ accuracy.

    Gaza just ended but I will trust the PCHR over the IDF. The victims over the perpetrators.

    First of all, the usual claim is that the resistance – whether it be Lebanese or Palestinian – use human shields.

    But this has been refuted in studies in the past. And the last example – the 2006 Lebanon War – this was refuted by the US Army War College.

    Now with this context, and the knowledge that Israelis commonly employ a basic set of hasbara points (human shields, terrorist = resistance, jew hatred, etc.) I don’t trust Israel AT ALL.

    And yes, I know I bring that report up all the time. I think that’s what we have to do. We have to shove the facts in their faces ALL THE TIME. Make it as redundant as their hasbara except our argument is based on FACTS and not empty emotional rhetoric.

  9. Matt Linquist – thanks for your reply – it was very revealing.

    “…my connection to israel comes from my beautiful israeli wife whom i have been living here for the past 8 years (met in college).”

    Not at all surprising – prick defeats brain.

    And it doesn’t surprise me at all that “a good old white boy, originally from Duluth Minnesota (Swedish-German stock).. ” doesn’t appreciate or even try to undertsand the native wogs his adopted state are oppressing and trying very hard to wipe out.

    Matt, you are the perfect representative of the dumb US public that allows these horrors to go on. (not that they could do anything about it if they differed – which they do).

    Moderator -please excuse this ad hominem attack, but that message was more than I could take.

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