9 thoughts on “Support Peace and Justice: Give Tzedakah – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. B”H
    Richard aren’t you ashamed to endorse groups such as Peace Now that has no compunctions about breaking the law and slandering their opponents for political gain?
    PS. Don’t ask me to quote a source for the above statement because i have already quoted it in my previous comment on this post which you have deleted.

  2. Peace Now broke the law? What are you “on” about? Do you have the chutzpah to claim that Peace Now’s behavior remotely approaches that of the Hebron pogromists? What you hate about Peace Now is that its reports have proven that a huge amount of land on which settlements sit hasn’t even been “legally” expropriated from Palestinians. That’s why you hate them, isn’t it?

    I don’t know what happened to the post you claim I deleted. But I didn’t delete it. It’s possible that it was filtered if it contained URLs my spam filter didn’t like. I assure you that if I refused to publish your comment I wouldn’t just delete it. I’d publish the comment, erasing the content, & noting that I’d done so for violating the comment rules.

  3. B”H

    I don’t know what happened to the post you claim I deleted. But I didn’t delete it. It’s possible that it was filtered if it contained URLs my spam filter didn’t like. I assure you that if I refused to publish your comment I wouldn’t just delete it. I’d publish the comment, erasing the content, & noting that I’d done so for violating the comment rules.

    That is what surprised me the comment about the recent judgement against Peace Now (ordering it to pay compensation and publish an apology in major newspapers) for slandering the town of Revava by claiming that it stands on stolen land : [URL deleted per violation of comment rules] seems to have disappeared from your blog after it went thru and was published.

    PS. On the other hand may be I should have kept quiet about it . Let the poor suckers continue to donate to Peace Now so that they continue their baseless slander, be discredited even more (they and their supporters like you with them ) and be forced to pay more compensation which will no doubt be used to to help redeem more parts of Eretz Yisrael among other holy causes.

  4. Richard — that’s a beautiful line-up. That’s two former employers of mine, and seven with whom I’ve been directly involved. My (likely, mutual) friends thank you from each, as do I. As a fundraiser, it means a lot.

  5. Interesting link Ariel (hope RS doesn’t delete it). Peace now has been totally discredited. Here is a more detailed link, though in Hebrew: http://www.news1.co.il/Archive/001-D-182660-00.html?tag=22-09-31
    Peace Now’s excuse is pathetic.
    News1 has done a lot important research in discrediting Betselem, unfortunately it’s mostly in Hebrew. Also, Yoav Itzhak broke a lot of the Olmert corruption scandals.
    (amir feels that this post is on-topic since Peace Now (admittedly Americans for Peace Now) has been listed as a worthwhile charity.)

  6. @Ariel: The comment you refer to was never published at this blog as you claim. At least, I never saw it.

    Further, no major Jewish newspaper has published any story claiming that Peace Now was ordered to pay any fine for any alleged infraction. IMRA is by no means a reliable source & I will not accept anything published there as having any credibility. And don’t link to that site again per my comment rules.

  7. B’H
    News 1 is the most popular Iraeli TV station that is not “major” enough for you?
    Feel free to use Google translate if you can’t read the link Amir posted:
    By the way your policy of not allowing quotations from virtually any source you don’t like listed or not listed in your comment rules is disgusting.
    It shows that the purpose of this blog is to promote leftist agenda not to broadcast the truth whatever that truth might be.
    In particular when we are talking about news of a court ruling which is presumably a matter of public record and can be verified by you. Moreover if the reports on Arutz Sheva and more importantly for you on News1 would be false we would already see complaints from Peace Now
    since that didn’t happen there is a good reason to presume the reports are true.
    In other news a rabbi in Yaffo had to stop Arabs from throwing stones at Peace Now provocateurs who came to disrupt the dedication of a Torah scroll , but I will not provide a link for that since you keep deleting my links right and left however you are welcome to Google it:-)

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