How do you spell c-h-u-t-z-p-a-h?
“Chutzpah” simply doesn’t begin to do justice to the Clarion Fund’s latest press release congratulating Barack Obama on his election victory. Thanks to an anonymous reader for pointing me to this worthless piece of dreck. If it isn’t the most hypocritical, self-serving, mealy-mouthed, worthless set of words strung together into sentences in the history of the English language (perhaps I exagerrate a tad) I don’t know what is:
Clarion Fund,…congratulated Senator Barack Obama on his victory in the presidential election and urged him to be resolute in combating the threat presented by radical Islamists.
“We congratulate Senator Obama on his historic victory,” said Raphael Shore, the founder of Clarion Fund and the producer of the award-winning documentary, Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West. “Senator Obama’s life journey and historic election exemplify the strength of American values — freedom, democracy, and equal opportunity. These are the very liberties that radical Islam is suppressing around the world, as shown in Obsession.”
Imagine trying to link your own worthless anti-Muslim propaganda machine to the life story of the first African-American president, raised briefly in a Muslim country, and a liberal Democrat known for his tolerant and expansive view of ethnic and religious diversity. Not to mention Clarion’s disgusting campaign targeting Obama that involved distributing 28-million DVDs of Obsession in swing states. And finally, how ’bout the statement on Clarion’s Radical Islam website which denounced Obama’s national security expertise?
Excuse me while I puke. These people are beyond shameless. Their effrontery is breathtaking. Beyond words, really.
This is so transparent it’s embarrassing. Why don’t they just end with “…so please don’t investigate our 501(c)3 status” ?
Is there some legit way to punish them? Sue them for something?
Zhu Bajie
This “reply” to Jeffrey Goldberg is worse…
*Coughs, splutters, spits tea into monitor etc.*