MyDD brings news that yet another McCain surrogate has gone, not only off the reservation, but off the deep end. The campaign has been dragging Joe the Plumber around to show how the common man views McCain’s candidacy. The only problem is that the campaign hasn’t vetted Joe to see whether he’s lost his political marbles. This is what happened:
At an RNC [Republican National Committee] event for John McCain in Ohio earlier today, Joe “the plumber” Wurzelbacher was confronted by a man in the crowd who asserted that “a vote for Obama would be a vote for the death to Israel.”
Joe’s response:
Actually I’ll go ahead and agree with you on that one…I agree with you, I really think that would be a problem.
Instead of tamping down the madness, the McCain campaign, showing yet again it’s utter cluelessness, had this to say:
While he’s clearly his own man, so far Joe has offered some penetrating and clear analysis that cuts to the core of many of the concerns that people have with Barack Obama’s statements and policies…
Well, golly gee, Obama means the death of Israel–that’s sure “penetrating and clear analysis” now isn’t it? I’d suggest if they haven’t done so by now that somebody with half a brain in McCain’s senior echelons oughta flat out deny any validity to this statement. And they also might want to get Joe off the road before he shoots himself or McCain in the foot some more.
You’ve heard of March Madness and an October Surprise? I think John McCain’s October Surprise IS outbursts like Joe the Plumber’s. But I do think instead of October Surprise, we should call it “October Madness,” which seems all John McCain has to offer the American people.
EVEN FOX News was sickened by Joe’s wingnuttery. This is what Shepard Smith had to say after his interview in which he tried three separate times to get Joe to say he didn’t really believe that Obama meant the death of Israel:
I just want to make this 100% perfectly clear. Barack Obama has said repeatedly and demonstrated repeatedly that Israel will always be a friend to the United States no matter what happens once he becomes President of the United States. His words. Umm, the rest of it…man…some things…it just gets frightening sometimes.
The way things are going, we may hear Rupert Murdoch or even Roger Ailes endorse Obama on air to separate themselves from the smuttiness and new lows to which the McCain campaign has sunk. Before this election ends, there may not BE a conservative movement in this country left to save. That’s how far off the deep end McCain is taking it.
Thanks to reader, Issac for bringing this story to my attention.
Haaretz reports some more idiocies:, but the best thing is at the end:
“Wurzelbacher was scheduled to make stops in Dayton, Middletown, Milford and Cincinnati. The bus tour included guests billed as Mary the Flag Lady, Mike the Painter and Linda the Fitness Trainer.”
Who said satire was dead? This McCain campaign is the best thing ever since Reagan and Bush senior gave the world James Watt and Dan Quayle respectively.