8 thoughts on “Jeffrey Goldberg Puts the Shiv in Aish HaTorah – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. “a particularly sterile, sexist and revanchist brand of Judaism.”
    If someone thinks Aish is rigorous Judaism, then that says a lot about the Jewish knowledge of Jeffrey Goldberg. What I see in the Jewish world is panic. Panic from secular Jews in Israel and USA who see a shifting away from the Haskala and back to Torah Judaism. This scares them. It challenges their world view. These comments simply show the lowly state of American Jewry today with regard to religious observance!

  2. you [sic] asinine articles prove to me once again that liberalis’m is nothing but a severe mental disease
    hope you get well soon

  3. It appears that McCain had a close connection to Rashid Khalidi. As chairman of the International Republican Institute, McCain funded a Palestinian research center co-founded by Khalidi to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    I doubt this says anything about McCain’s sympathies any more than Obama attending a party at which Khalidi was present says about Obama’s sympathies.

  4. I have just viewed “Obsession”. My reaction is to the movie…not to those who produced it. My comment here is to the movie, not to those behind it, to possible political connections, etc. etc.

    Consistently, the movie discusses radical Muslims who expressly advocate the death of infidels…infidels being anyone who does not believe in Islam. Jews are especially targeted…and it is for that reason that a parallel with Nazi Germany is drawn. The term “Islamism” or “Islamofascism” never appear.

    The thesis of the movie is that radical, intolerant Islamic extremists are infiltrating societies world-wide & pose a grave danger to all reasonable people of all faiths. The movie is well done and is graphically effective & therefore frightening, which it intends to be. Maybe you agree with the thesis and maybe you don’t. Judge it on its own merits or weaknesses, but it’s not an attack on Arabs or Muslims or Islam nor does it imply support for one presidential candidate or another.

  5. @Devil’s Advocate:

    If someone thinks Aish is rigorous Judaism, then that says a lot about the Jewish knowledge of Jeffrey Goldberg.

    Did Jeffrey Goldberg or anyone claim Aish is “rigorous Judaism” or did I miss something? If the group is a fraud, how could anything they do be “rigorous” except in the sense that they’re rigorous about cultivating wealthy Jewish executives & collecting their $10K annual retainers for private Torah lessons.

  6. @r.d. smalley:

    Maybe you agree with the thesis and maybe you don’t.

    Or maybe you don’t.

    it’s not an attack on Arabs or Muslims or Islam nor does it imply support for one presidential candidate or another.

    Repeat that three times like Dorothy–who says “There’s no place like home” in The Wizard of Oz–& maybe you’ll find that it’s actually true. Or maybe you’ll find it’s a fairy tale as the Wizard of Oz is.

    But don’t let us disturb you in yr complacency, delusion & ignorance.

  7. @chaim:

    you [sic] asinine articles prove to me once again that liberalis’m is nothing but a severe mental disease

    That’s the nicest thing a right-wing pro-settler Orthodox Jew has said to me all day. Gee thanks. When one of you guys calls liberals mentally diseased, then I know we’re doing something right. But it does speak volumes about the level of hate among your kind for your fellow Jews.

  8. From where I am, I see something happening in the Zionist movement. A schism of sorts between “eastern bloc” Zionists and “western bloc” ones seems to be happening, resulting for example in someone like Dershowitz supporting Obama. One one side, the Rothschild, Kristol, for example; on the other side, Dershowitz, Goldberg, Krauthammer, Frumm, Adleman, … What’s happening? Is that a reflection of the power struggle occuring in Israel? What does all that mean for the US and the rest of the World?

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