6 thoughts on “Jewish Republicans Liken Obama to Nazis – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Rick,

    What are you smoking here. Obama has had at least 5 socialist/terrorist/anti-american figures. Dorn, flager, Wright, ayers, and Johnson. One guy would be excuseable but 5? let’s be realistic. You are either very naive or carry’s Barries water.

  2. @kurt: Wow, your e mail address shows that you work for the State of Utah and use your government provided e mail address to identity your comment. I guess Utah doesn’t have a problem with its employees engaging in political propaganda on state time (I assume you wrote this from your state-owned computer?).

    Keep it up, Kurt. You’re either dumber than a stone or your supervisor agrees with your views and you know you can get away with this sort of s(^t.

  3. Richard–
    Have a look at the web page of Bryan Rudnicks’s “Alliance Strategies Group”–especially the clients of his public relations firm

    Besides Katherine Harris, Rudnick lists among those to whom he has purveyed his services:
    1) The book STANDING FOR ISRAEL, by CUFI’s Executive Direction David Brog, with a foreword by pastor John Hagee. This book was mailed out to rabbis in early 2007 by the Republican Jewish Coalition, accompanied by the DVD of “Obsession,” using CUFI’s mailing permit (as well as a letter by then-Israeli ambassador Danny Ayalon). You wrote about this video most recently on Sept. 17 in Tikun Olam.
    2) The Minutemen “volunteers” who are recruiting vigilante guards for US borders, and Minutemen founder Jim Gilchrist, who is running for Congress in Orange County, CA
    3) Vision America, an anti-Obama, “activist” anti-abortion group that defines its goal as promoting “Christian involvement in civil government.” Such involvement
    “…is not optional. It is an essential part of our calling from God to be salt and light in a dying culture. God’s people in Christ must address the great moral issues now before the nation. The church has been entrusted by Almighty God with the tools necessary to reverse America’s moral decline and effect lasting change if only she will engage in this momentous struggle before it is too late!”

  4. I remember Bryan Rudnick from Brandeis. He spent most of his time whining about being oppressed by campus liberals and publishing screeds that had no other purpose than to get a rise out of the other side. It’s not surprising that he’s gone on to a career of lying for the Republicans.

  5. @Nate: Now that we know Brandeis was the home of at least two key nasty neocon political operatives (Jack Abramoff being the other) the campus may get a reputation for cultivating Jewish conservatism. Given its liberal reputation that would be most unfortunate.

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