7 thoughts on “Syrian Ambassador Tells Israel: We are Gatekeepers to Peace With Arab World – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. With the present Syrian behavior in Lebanon and their support or engineering imo of the Hezbollah war and the fact that they are since the father Assad the most crafty slick salesmen and continious liars it’s hard to take any fig leaf he offers. Syria really isn’t interested in the Golan or the rock pile Sheba Farms.. they’re interested in the billions they steal in graft from the Lebanese economy. Sure the Syrian want the Golan and Syrian national tv propogandizes the great enemy of the Syrians the “zionists/jews” but not having the Golan but almost getting it and keeping Lebanon is the BEST POSITION by far for Syria… they make get some goodies from the US and Israel – still have the ‘boogey men’ to prop up to their people to ignore their own hate for the Assad dictatorship – and get some leniency from the US regarding Lebanon… this broken record’s been played before…. and this same Syrian Embassador who lied through his teeth in 06 knows exactly who he’s playing that little fig leaf he dropped to.

  2. @Shlomo Glickstein:

    this broken record’s been played before

    Oh, there’s a broken record here but it isn’t Syria that’s playing it. It’s you I’m afraid. We’ve all heard the hate, mistrust & cynicism from the pro-Israel right before & it sure does get tiresome.

    knows exactly who he’s playing that little fig leaf he dropped to.

    A mixed metaphor & an incoherent one at that…

  3. Shlomo has one thing right though, which is that Syria isn’t interested in the Sheba Farms. They’ve been saying for some time now, and the UN agree, that the Sheba Farms belong to Lebanon.

  4. NThe rigid ones are yourselves. Its negotiate 24/7 no matter what no matter when no matter with who… and it has to be officially and with a Dovish Israeli PM! Give something no matter what you’re being offered in return in words or deeds even if you get almost nothing bcs it would make you Richard Silverstein feel good, especially the press ops or handshake for public consumption… however meaningless.
    Also, if things don’t work out or if it’s decided official negotiations are a waste of time… well then it’s the Israeli PM’s fault especially if he’s not a far left winger… not the Mukharat or Hamas thugs who are likely double dealing or offering nothing for something… always it’s the case via the far left commentary.

    This is incredibly ironic considering the dictatorial double dealing Mukharat thugs you’re talking to. Whether its the goons at the top of the Mukharat or Hamas is of no mind… however, if Sharon was doing the negotiations or Begin well then that is a chandra [sic]!!! and they must be mocked for the “right wingers” they are!! Hilarious considering the thugs in Syria simply murder Leb politicians or media who simply speak out against them and won’t join in on the Syrian dole… or who might not give Hezbollah a majority, so simply murder them! lol!

    Let’s take a look at the present behavior of the Syrian regime and see if their purview [sic] has changed in the least bit? If they’re not simply using a potential official meeting with the Israelis as a way of conferring legitimacy on themselves as a PR victory and that’s it… another words they’re serious about not supporting terror organizations, truly getting their intell goons out of Lebanon and allowing that country to move past Syrian hegemony over their economy, police forces, and gov’t.

    And this propoganda is a Saturday Night Live skit on 1984!

    Now these truly are people you can negotiate with… it’s those Sharon types you really have to worry about…

  5. @SShlomo Glickstein:

    if Sharon was doing the negotiations or Begin well then that is a chandra!!!

    Shlomo! You don’t know your chakra from your shande. Where did you learn Yiddish? Or did you? Anyway, you meant shande, not chandra. I guess you got yrself into such a lather of righteous indignation you got a bit confused.

    As for the links…you expect anyone to respect links from a blog written by a research fellow working for the Foundation in Defense of Democracies, one of those DC neocon think tanks (Max Kampelman is one of its luminaries)???!

    I don’t make any pretence of claiming that Syria is a paragon of virtue anymore than I’d claim that Israel or Hezbollah or Hamas is. But unlike you, I’m a pragmatist who wants the wars to end. You think that somehow Israel can wait out all the evil regimes it detests & eventually negotiate a peace w. some future Arab regimes that will be more favorable to it. The rest of us know what a pipe dream this is.

    BTW, you don’t hate Arabs do you? Or is it only “bad” Arabs you hate?

  6. BTW, you don’t hate Arabs do you? Or is it only “bad” Arabs you hate?

    Do you hate all Jews or only those Jews who you classify as “bad” Jews? Sharon Feiglin? Etc… Is that really the best you can do? To infer moral flaws in the person you’re arguing with to try and elevate yourself? To infer I “hate Arabs” yet the writer of that blog is a Lebanese Arab? Further in his blog he quotes an article extensively which is written by another Lebanese Arab writer in the Daily Star. And you immediately state well that blog has no credibility bcs of his “association”… with another site… that’s not even to get into the immature tit for tat and cite some of the blogs in your blogroll and some of the bile published in them… bcs that’s a rather weak and very immature conversation.
    It is notable that the writer of that blog is a Doctoral Student in Near East Studies at NYU and an Arab Lebanese. He writes about Syria from first hand experience and bcs Lebanon is his country… so are you inferring that he hates Syria and Arabs due to his writing about the thuggish behavior and lies of the Syria Mukharat Dictatorship? Ahhhh.. this from the man who gets insulted and “won’t stand for” anyone who questions his love of Israel? And did you not cite Uri Avnery in another comment thread? Is he a traitor of sort to Israel, just a way out nut?, or is he someone who if anyone were to question his love of Israel or sanity they would be a “fascist”?

    But unlike you, I’m a pragmatist who wants the wars to end. You think that somehow Israel can wait out all the evil regimes it detests & eventually negotiate a peace w. some future Arab regimes that will be more favorable to it. The rest of us know what a pipe dream this is.

    No, the present PM is conducting under the table talks with Syria as Israel has consistently done over the years on and off… A pragmatist realizes one doesn’t jump at any slick statement made by a Muhkarat regime flack/thug that is/has consistently behaved as out and out thugs? I am realistic about what the regime in Syria is really after and that at best what they’ll offer is a very temporary lull with Hezbollah or Hamas and that they really don’t want the Golan back unless they get it for absolutely nothing… they want Lebanon and the billions it provides to prop up their dictatorship and they want Israel as an enemy to prop up the Golan is comparably insignificant to them – direct photo ops with the US though are invaluable as Badran details…. And if “approaching” negotiations with the Israelis is a way of getting this than all the better.

  7. @Shlomo Glickstein:

    Do you hate all Jews

    Thanks, you’ve just given me an opportunity to ban you. I don’t hate Jews. I am one. And for making the idiotic statement that I hate Jews, your comment privileges have hereby been revoked.

    I hate no one for their religion. I thoroughly disapprove of people whose political views perpetuate more war and suffering for Israel & its Arab neighbors. That has very little to do w. religion. I don’t believe religion is at the heart of the problem regarding this conflict (though it contributes).

    To infer I “hate Arabs” yet the writer of that blog is a Lebanese Arab?

    Ah, so you DON’T hate all Arabs. Just “bad” ones. Clearly, the writer of the blog you quoted is a “good” Arab because he’s right wing & works for the far-right League for the Defense of Democracies. BTW, I never said there were no far-right Lebanese. In fact, some Lebanese Christians are quite so & there was the Lebanese Phalangist party after all.

    that’s not even to get into the immature tit for tat and cite some of the blogs in your blogroll and some of the bile published in them… bcs that’s a rather weak and very immature conversation.

    Notice that you just DID what you claimed you wouldn’t do. No, you’re not “weak and immature” are you?

    are you inferring that he hates Syria

    Yes, he hates the Syrian regime. He also seems to detest a Syrian academic expert for whom I have great respect, Josh Landis. His nastiness toward Josh is rather churlish & petty.

    did you not cite Uri Avnery in another comment thread? Is he a traitor of sort to Israel, just a way out nut?

    I’ve not only quoted Uri Avnery, I’ve written posts about him & have great respect for him, even when I disagree w. him. He’s neither a traitor nor a “way out nut.” I think you deserve the honor of being called the latter, though. If I had a choice between Tony Frey & Uri Avnery, I know who I’d choose.

    present PM is conducting under the table talks with Syria

    I don’t know what that means. The talks are fully publicly acknowledged.

    I am realistic about what the regime in Syria is really after

    One man’s “realism” is the rest of the world’s flaming, ranting ant-Arab militancy. You’re no realist. You’re a paranoid hater of anything you deem inimical to yr twisted vision of Israel’s interests. You’d rather rant than provide any real proof of any of the things you say.

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